Originally Posted by uranium_death
I will say that Commodores are not that bad. You're just driven a really bad one.
Out VTII has terrible auto. That's a given.
I have no problem with the noise of the engine. Rattles are non-existent to minimal on our VTII. Our trip meter works fine and the change of 10-20km increments is due to how the engine is running. When we drive a long distance with little-no stops, fuel efficiency picks up. When we engage in suburban driving, it drops and fluctuates.
ABS has never come on in our car in 7 years. That's an issue with your car...not all Holdens.
Hold the fuel cap with your hand. It isn't that hard!
No smells on our car.
As I said, yours probably gets driven harder than our VTII and has probably done more kms (ours hit 80,000km last week) but ours has been looked after well so I am happy with the Commodore, although I would prefer a Falcon.
So just ride it out and look forward to your replacement 
Yep our VTII has been pretty good to except the button on the shifter has popped out of place and is hanging on by the spring. A to B it does the job fine and that's all you can ask. Very few problems in whole scheme of things.
As for the auto sucking **** (and it really sucks!), well the majority of people who buy them don't exactly want to participate in traffic light grand prix now do they? I've told my mother how bad the auto is but you know what her response is?
"It does the job just fine" Well I bet that's the response you will get from the MAJORITY or average person which it is built for.
I'd hate to break it to you but we are the minority! While there is no business reason to improve it, they won't.
Perfect example is the VT to VZ shape. Yes it was old but it sold truckloads so unless it's broke don't fix it.
Same goes for above mentioned dinosaur auto box
