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Old 07-06-2007, 11:19 AM   #6
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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I've grizzled many times about the price of gas. When I had my first conversion done in 1994, gas was a third of the price of petrol. Over the years it has crept up.
Now it seems to be an unwritten law that it must be half the price of petrol. And the price of petrol is based upon what a barrel is going for in Singapore.

So what ever the price is in Singapore dictates what petrol is here in Oz and then gas is about half of that.

Petrol can go up 5 cents overnight and everyone whinges, gas goes up 20% overnight and nothing.

A few years ago gas in Japan was 6 cents a litre, and where do they get their gas from,? Oz, thats right.
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