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Old 01-01-2005, 03:48 AM   #1
THCC Motorsport member 1
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: the ghetto....no im being serious!
Posts: 1,139
Default It's been said once, but i'll say it again...

Please be careful on our roads this holiday season, and for that matter all year long.

my NYE celerbrations were put to a halt at about 1:30am this morning when i found out my mother had been in a car accident while on the way home from dropping us off in town as we weret stupid enough to be drink driving.

she got half T-boned cause someone wanted to try and cut across her while she was going through a green light, and what made it worse was that the offending driver decided it would be best if he just kept going and not bother to see if she was alright, considering her car was practically sitting on top of a bent light post.

lucky for us my mum is alright with just a few bruises and yes the car was insured but i urge you all to just take things a little more easy on the roads, shaving a second of here and there isnt going to make much of a difference to ur arrival, but it might make a difference to someones car, or even more importantly, their life.

we were lucky tonite cause someone wwas loking over her, but you never know when, where, what, how or if it will happen next time.

dirve safe now ya hear....dont make me come afta you(look below)
Southcyde Designs<------click here :

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