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Old 29-09-2019, 12:09 AM   #11
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Default Re: FORD technical service bulletin : ICC touch screen display

Originally Posted by JasonACT View Post
I tried to remember some of the words I had read about the FGX ICC being too large for the FG/II..


I can see the ACM in the FGX ICC sticks out a bit more than the FG ICC and the left and right metal brackets are different to allow it to hang out the back some more.

The FGX FDIM's mounting holes are also in a slightly different place, and it doesn't quite fit in the space for the FGII 8" screen. I'm sure the entire upper section can be swapped over, but that's not an option for me because I'll have a piano black bottom and a silver top, which will be horrid. The FDIM is close to fitting though, so a bit of trimming of the plastic and a couple of holes drilled in the FDIM's backet might solve that?

I've measured the voltages around the FG2's FDIM circuit board where the power regulators are too. There's a couple in there. Should come in handy if my screen should go pop. Interestingly, when I reassembled it all, the next time I plugged it in I was greeted with a message across the screen I have never seen before: "Thermal Shutdown" which disappeared and I've not seen again. I'm thinking the newer firmware tries to avoid the problem of the screen dying.

I've pretty much decoded everything in the CAN BUS I can think of on the FGII ICC (Radio, CD, CD-MP3 <- that's complicated!) and have moved on to the Sync 2 screen...

I've got it to power up, no easy feat given I don't have a FGX CAN BUS recording. It's not a "Medium Speed" bus either, it runs at the same speed as the FG's main CAN BUS. It's not a very cooperative screen either, the two others mostly worked independently and menus were available and working.. The Sync 2 seems to be waiting for CAN messages before it'll let me do anything more than see how hard to press for the touchscreen to detect it. It's surprising how hard you need to press on these screens. I didn't think it was working at all at first, until I pressed much harder than I need to on my FGII.

Anyway, the Sync 2 CAN BUS mystery continues. If anyone has details of the raw data going on in the FGX's 3rd (HS) CAN BUS, I'd definitely be interested in seeing it!
I have thrown a FGX icc in to my MK1 G6E it was a massive job but i'm happy with the results after decoding canbus for 6 months straight i have 99% of it working. I had to get a canbus module made up for it work in a FG1 . You wont get the SYNC2 bench tested with out the gateway module from a FGX/SZ2. I got more canbus commands my issue is i don't know how to convert them to a canbus module. Sync 2 canbus is running through MS,HS2,HS3,HS1
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