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Old 23-09-2007, 07:03 PM   #1
Mot Adv-NSW
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lake Macquarie, NSW
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Default Not all roadside cameras are 'speed', but . . note- N.S.W Schools, etc

Take this delightful Pdf, its only a few Kb. In it, you will note REDFLEX is the supplier of NSW's new school-zone cameras as highlighted in this, its 27 June 07 ASX notification. I'll not go into 'NSW Tenders' etc:-)

Now note -
Redflex has also been awarded a contract, by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, for the provision of a target vehicle surveillance system for the enforcement of border crossings with Queensland. The Department of Primary Industries is responsible for regulating the introduction of livestock into NSW from Queensland to prevent the introduction of cattle ticks. There are seven border crossings between Queensland and NSW in the tick affected area. These crossings require monitoring of all vehicles heading in a southbound direction to identify “vehicles of interest” and initiate investigation of vehicles suspected of transporting livestock in possible contravention of the NSW Stock Diseases Act.
"Vehicles of Interest" has me intrigued having the word "AND" next to it... So I would ponder then that this system technically ties in with 'CRIMTRAC'. See this NT news item, but ignore the NT bias. (Not spotted this topic elswewhere in AUS media):-
Hundreds of cameras that record number plates will be set up on Australia's major highways under the plan by CrimTrac, which has been approved by state police ministers. The cameras could also be used to detect people speeding- SNIP-

CRIMTRAC: http://www.crimtrac.gov.au/

In my NSW, under The "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 No 20", an approved speed measuring device must be listed in the government Gazette, so, we have two 5 May 2006 mentions to study -
1. Is the " The speed measuring device", REDFLEXred-speed
Infringement Detection System".

2. "The camera recording device", REDFLEXred-speed
Camera System.
See page 2994 of this Gazette Pdf:

REDFLEX the company website:-

I hope this helps some readers to understand more effectively the complexities of government agency business, and those of your STATE elected representatives in relation to road safety administration in NSW.

All other jurisdictions, and the Commonwealth agencies, operate on a similar basis. Try not to fall asleep, class is about to begin . . . .

ORDER FORD AUSTRALIA PART NO: AM6U7J19G329AA. This is a European-UN/AS3790B Spec safety-warning triangle used to give advanced warning to approaching traffic of a vehicle breakdown, or crash scene (to prevent secondary). Stow in the boot area. See your Ford dealer for this $35.95 safety item & when you buy a new Ford, please insist on it! See Page 83, part 4.4.1 http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/media...eSafePart4.pdf

Last edited by Keepleft; 23-09-2007 at 07:09 PM.
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