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Old 27-01-2025, 12:05 AM   #3451
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Thanks DFB, that’s given me some homework to do. Much appreciated and thanks for the prompt response. Cheers
Currently no V8 in the garage!
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Old 29-01-2025, 05:34 PM   #3452
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Armour Detail Supply Ghost

I've met very few tyre dressings that I didn't like, and of those, I'd say most of them were from my early days when I didn't know what I was doing. Armour Detail Supply Ghost? Well, it's another knockout ADS product!


Backstory -

In my earlier days, I'd be using heavy solvent dressings such as Autoglym High Performance Tyre Gel, Meguiar's Endurance and Gyeon Q2 Tire, which were nasty products that created more problems than they solved. At the time, I thought a dressing that would last a long time was a desirable attribute. For the most part, solvent based dressings provide a longer lasting effect but are messier to apply and harder to remove...............important because they never truly dry and therefore hold onto dirt, dust and road grime. And if you happen to apply just a little too much, then it will be slung across your paint work and wheel arch liners.

So, while I liked the look, I didn't like the many associated drawbacks.

Autoglym HPTG -

Meguiars Endurance -

Gyeon Q2 Tire -

At this point I should point out the three different types of tyre products -

Tyre Dressing - A short-lived liquid or gel-like product that is applied frequently. I favour these products as they offer more flexibility, are easier to apply and easier to remove. Think NV Onyx, Carpro Perl, Meguiar's Hyper Dressing.

Tyre Sealant - In most cases, these are solvent based gels that provide longer durability. By creating a barrier to moisture, tyre sealants typically last for weeks, not days. Think Gyeon Q2 Tire and Carpro Darkside.

Tyre Coating - A ceramic coating designed specifically for rubber surfaces. Longevity is said to be months, not weeks. These require extremely thorough cleaning and prep prior to application. And even then, longevity is known to be variable. I have also seen where a tyre coating turned sidewalls permanently brown. Carpro Black-Out is probably the most notable product in this category.

What is Ghost?

And so, we arrive at Armour Detail Supply Ghost, which is labelled as a tyre sealant. Compared to the water-based ADS Tire+, which is a favourite of mine, Ghost can last up to 3-months. Compared to the solvent-based tyre sealants listed above, Ghost is actually a water-based "nano-sealant engineered for exceptional long-term durability."

What sets Ghost apart though is how the formulation dries to the touch, meaning it won't accumulate dirt and grime. It's sealant properties create a hydrophobic barrier, and just like a sealant on paint, Ghost allows for easier cleaning. It can also help prevent oxidation and tyre browning, which naturally happens when rubber is exposed to sunlight.

Application -

When it comes to tyre sealants, preparation is key in achieving the claimed longevity.

1. Start by scrubbing the sidewalls with a strong tyre cleaner, think Shine Supply Wise Guy, P&S Undressed or Carpro ReTyre. If necessary, repeat the scrub process but don't go beyond 2 - 3 rounds, the next step will take care of anything left.

2. Once dried off, grab an old towel and either Stoner Tarminator or Mineral Spirits. Spray the product into the towel and rub the sidewall until it looks complete matte in appearance. These two chemicals are brilliant for stripping away anything lingering on the sidewall. (Note - This step is optional, but is worth the effort from time to time to reset the surface)

3. Prior to application, ensure the tyre is completely dry. Prime a foam applicator with 3 - 4 sprays of Ghost, then work the product into the sidewall. Subsequent tyres will need about 2 sprays.

The neat thing about Ghost is the blue tracer which clearly indicates where you've been, in effect ensuring even and thorough coverage. This blue tracer will disappear in short order and leave behind a lovely satin sheen.

4. With one coat (as pictured below), Ghost will deliver a satin look. If you prefer a glossier appearance, apply additional layers with 10-minutes between coats.

5. Allow the product to cure for an hour before getting wet.

Unlike other tyre sealants that seem to remain a little tacky, Ghost is completely dry after it has cured.

The Follow Up -

Pleased with the look, I was keen to see how this new tyre sealant performed during the wash process. Twelve days later at the next wash, Ghost was beading water impressively. The tyres on this occasion had a layer of dust on the very outer rim of the sidewall, most of which was removed by a simple rinse. Instead of hitting the rubber with a tyre cleaner, I decided to just give them a scrub with a car wash shampoo I used to clean the wheels. Afterwards, this is what they looked like.....................

In this case, the tyres looked perfectly acceptable, but I actually decided to follow with a very light swipe over with ADS Tire+, because why not?

Final Thoughts -

As mentioned, for me the longevity aspect of Ghost is not my main priority. What I like most is how it looks, a classy satin sheen that was totally effortless to achieve. Compared to something like Capro Darkside, Ghost is extremely easy to distribute and requires faaaar less effort to achieve even coverage and a consistent finish. Anyone who has used Darkside will know what I mean there.

So, if you prefer a tyre dressing that won’t need to be applied after each wash but also WON'T have the typical drawbacks of a solvent product, I now have something I can hand-on-heart recommend.

And for the record, I was NOT paid to write this review.
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Old 30-01-2025, 01:02 AM   #3453
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

DFB, having Tire+ should I bother ?
Actually silly question - I’ll get one next buy as the next go to after Tire+ runs dry
What is the difference by the way - longevity I suppose ?

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Old 30-01-2025, 02:09 PM   #3454
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
DFB, having Tire+ should I bother ?
Actually silly question - I’ll get one next buy as the next go to after Tire+ runs dry
What is the difference by the way - longevity I suppose ?

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My favorite detailing task is dressing tyres, that's why longevity is not a priority. In which case, I'd say stick with the traditional Tire+. But if you like something longer lasting and a little more subtle, then Ghost will be a great option. From what I'm told, you can use Ghost as a base layer to protect the sidewall, then top with Tire+ as needed.

I don't know the chemical difference, but Ghost is said to last for a couple of months (take that with a grain of salt, although ADS seem to be more on the ball with claims like that), Tire+ will give you wash off pretty easily.
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Old 30-01-2025, 04:47 PM   #3455
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

yes well doing the final touch is always satisfying I hear you......

OK points taken.
I did my tyres last Saturday, here in Syd we have had couple days of rain.
I didn't do heaps of k's but office and back Tues/Wed in the wet, checked the tyres atm they still look pretty good, tire+ coating is evident very much so pleased about this.
Took a pic but tapatalk doesn't allow loading anymore.
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Old 04-02-2025, 02:00 PM   #3456
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Not sure if its been mentioned in the previous 100 pages, but the Meguires Ultimate Compund is absolutely brilliant. Had a boot and sills that had pretty bad sun damage, to the point I had even got a quote for respray. This stuff followed by a polish, and I cant tell anymore where the fading even was. Not sure if it will be long lasting, but for now its saved me some solid coin!!
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Old 04-02-2025, 03:16 PM   #3457
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
Ooo, I do love me a catalog!

The latest Carpro catalog, posted here for all to geek out over.


One thing that caught my eye was the Coatings and Sealants spread sheet on page 35, in particular the pH resistance of each product.



Naturally, the ceramic coatings offer the widest spread of pH tolerance, ranging from an acidic 2 or 3 up to an alkaline 12 or 13.

But check out the numbers for the spray sealants and "ceramic" detailers, Reload 2.0, Hydr02 and EliXir only having a very small window of pH tolerance of 6 to 7.

If Reload, Hydr02 and EliXir are only used as a topper to an existing coating, this is less important. But if used as standalone products, you need to be mindful of what you use to clean the car with if you want to see the claimed durability numbers (3 months for Reload and Hydr02, 1 month for EliXir).

So, outside of a pH 7.5 (neutral) soap such as Reset, using anything stronger will kill or severely harm any of those products. I would also recommend dialing in your soap dilution rates to prevent overdosing. Hit them with Descale at pH 3.7 or Lift at 12.3 would only be used when preparing for the next application.




I mention all this based on comments regarding the durability of these sort of spray sealants, in particular Hydr02 and the older version of Reload v1. Both of those were primarily designed as toppers to existing coatings, as such ultimate durability was not the primary consideration.

When used as a standalone, perhaps the expectations of longevity are a touch too optimistic. Combine that with the use of more aggressive soaps, this goes some way towards understanding why some notice a lack of longevity from Hydr02 and Reload.
Ive been using Hydro2 now for years, it is so easy to apply that you just apply after every wash. Spray on and hose off.
I have seen it degrade but never to the point where it is not there anymore, even on a neglected car that hardly gets washed.
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Old 04-02-2025, 03:36 PM   #3458
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by ford12 View Post
Ive been using Hydro2 now for years, it is so easy to apply that you just apply after every wash. Spray on and hose off.
I have seen it degrade but never to the point where it is not there anymore, even on a neglected car that hardly gets washed.
It's good stuff, not a cure all but worth having. I can toast it on wheels with Brake Buster, but I never really need to use a dedicated wheel cleaner unless it's someone's daily driver.

I also use Hydr02 on my mowers, seems to prevent the dust from sticking.....................

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Old 04-02-2025, 04:37 PM   #3459
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OMG you are making me feel guilty hahaha
I have NOT washed my Victa since I bought it DFB

OK you got me inspired to do it this weekend for I have to mow.

Am I seeing you can spray the water all over ? even the top ? pull cord area ?
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Old 04-02-2025, 04:59 PM   #3460
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
OMG you are making me feel guilty hahaha
I have NOT washed my Victa since I bought it DFB

OK you got me inspired to do it this weekend for I have to mow.

Am I seeing you can spray the water all over ? even the top ? pull cord area ?
Yes, I do spray them down including the starter................it's a gamble though, so do so at your own risk. I've done it enough times and only once had an issue where some water got into the spark plug boot and caused it to misfire, but compressed air sorted that. Just like on a car, use common sense and don't blast any section for too long. If you are unsure, then use the pressure washer for the deck and wheels, and a garden hose for the engine.

For cleaning, I typically soak down the whole machine with either Brake Buster, Wise Guy or Bilt Hamber Surfex. The common theme being alkalinity. I then rinse and assess if I need to do some scrubbing, in which case I reapply the chemical and use an old detailing brush.

I've found with Surfex when mixed pretty strong at 1:1, it tends to do 98% of the work for you without needing to agitate.


Once clean, I'll hit the mower with Hydr02, rinse again, then a liberal dose of a dressing on the plastics (engine, wheels, handle knobs ect). Meg Hyper Dressing is my favorite, but any water based dressing such as Carpro Pearl or KCx Motorplast will work as well. Apply this while still wet, then hit the whole thing with a leaf blower to dry and distribute the dressing.


I know it looks like I do this every week, but I promise, it's an occasional thing for the 12 mowers I have.
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Old 04-02-2025, 05:04 PM   #3461
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Ok thanks - haha I’ll give it a go and be smart as mentioned around the plug area etc.
Will be fun seeing it clean first time

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Old 04-02-2025, 05:44 PM   #3462
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
Ok thanks - haha I’ll give it a go and be smart as mentioned around the plug area etc.
Will be fun seeing it clean first time

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Ahh, see, now you've publicly committed to doing this. I expect before and after's!
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Old 04-02-2025, 08:03 PM   #3463
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They are coming for you.

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Old 04-02-2025, 10:49 PM   #3464
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Originally Posted by CyberWasp View Post
They are coming for you.

If she's the psychologist, has anyone got a dozen or so mowers in need of a clean?
Ya don't slow down as you get older ... you just enjoy taking longer to do it ... better!
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Old 05-02-2025, 07:47 PM   #3465
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I think I am ready to be booked in as well as I can't stop playing with AI.
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Old 05-02-2025, 07:51 PM   #3466
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by CyberWasp View Post

I think I am ready to be booked in as well as I can't stop playing with AI.
Yeah nup, her taste in lawn mowers is all wrong, I couldn't get past that.
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Old 07-02-2025, 12:40 PM   #3467
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Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
Yeah nup, her taste in lawn mowers is all wrong, I couldn't get past that.
Lawn mower? What lawn mower?
Ya don't slow down as you get older ... you just enjoy taking longer to do it ... better!
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Old 08-02-2025, 05:34 PM   #3468
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by FTE217
Ok thanks - haha I’ll give it a go and be smart as mentioned around the plug area etc.
Will be fun seeing it clean first time
Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
Ahh, see, now you've publicly committed to doing this. I expect before and after's!
Posting these on FTE217's behalf................................

I don't know about you FTE217, but I feel so much better now.
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Old 08-02-2025, 08:55 PM   #3469
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Haha my aim is to please you DFB.
Got to say it looks brilliant after its first wash in 2yrs roughly since purchase.
Thanks for posting up for me.
Brilliant mower - start first pull every time works a dream.
Been the perfect buy from your advise.

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Old 08-02-2025, 09:42 PM   #3470
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
Haha my aim is to please you DFB.
Got to say it looks brilliant after its first wash in 2yrs roughly since purchase.
Thanks for posting up for me.
Brilliant mower - start first pull every time works a dream.
Been the perfect buy from your advise.

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I just have to get you to ceramic coat it next...........................seriously, who would do such a thing............................

Not detailing related, but keep an eye on the air filter for that engine, I've found those paper elements get plugged up quite quickly.

Part Number -

593260 (filter) & 798452 (pre-filter)

Bunnings sell the filter at grossly inflated price -

Otherwise -

I would also make sure you have the prefilter as this makes the cartridge filter last a lot longer -

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Old 08-02-2025, 09:46 PM   #3471
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[QUOTE=DFB FGXR6;6948640]I just have to get you to ceramic coat it next...........................seriously, who would do such a thing............................image/QUOTE]
Yeah, are you gunna keep it til you die?
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Old 08-02-2025, 10:45 PM   #3472
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

I think he has found a niche in the YouTube world.
Who does detail and ceramic coat lawn mowers?
Dirty Car Videos are a dime a dozen now.
Money to be made here. It would attract an audience, esp if there are no other channels.
Could also do Ride Ons, and Tractors for special Episodes.
Reformulate existing products and create variations for new product range for the niche.

Meanwhile I am working on my Car Detailing Channel. The Gleam Team.

In the 1st Episode,

Stephanie tries to overcome her problem of setting off snow foam canons prematurely every time she touches one.

Melanie accidentally gives a customer an SIO2 Bath instead of the Car, who then becomes so hydrophobic he no longer needs an umbrella in the rain.

and Tiffany tries to solve her wardrobe malfunction issues when cleaning tight spaces.
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Old 10-02-2025, 06:34 PM   #3473
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Old 10-02-2025, 06:47 PM   #3474
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Were there lawnmowers in that picture , might have to check again ,,nope none LOL

Is that what it says Gleam Team , oh yea I was reading the advertising ,sure I was LOL
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Old 10-02-2025, 06:59 PM   #3475
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

TRY either of these on Tyres , my next job

303 Graphene Trim Coating
--- trim restorer ,,suppose to be for exterior plastic bumpers/ plastics
--- GREAT results on a fully removed and pressure washed complete BT50 dash board
---claimed 6mths life of application ,,,, 6mths my dash has passed this easily
--- goes on a little oily [ie not 100% dry ] but after a few weeks this dries out


Cerakote Ceramic Trim Coat ,,,,,,,,,, [instructions refer to it as a resin ]
--suppose to be exterior only
--- used on exterior soft plastics of 2011 Bt50 ,, factory b/bar trim ,, factory grey plastic flares /mudflaps ,, door moulds and window glass surrounds
--- Claimed life span 12--18mths ,,, would be close to 12mths ++
---8 outta 10 on the BT50 , All trim showing a little age prior
--- product does not perform miracles but does an above average result

Has not stopped raining since Nov 24 [ at least every 2nd day] to do any more testing

Last edited by swamp; 10-02-2025 at 07:16 PM.
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Old 11-02-2025, 02:02 PM   #3476
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Finally, some good news regarding Koch Chemie in Australia...................

"Waxit is now the new home for Koch Chemie in Australia!

Buying direct from Germany, you can now browse the world renown range with no “middle-man markups” - saving up to 40% in Australia!

New products, fresh stock & the full range - come check it out!"


I have complained quite a lot about the excessive markups with Koch Chemie products, in particular the in-demand products. For example, a 1lt bottle of GSF shampoo was a $54.95 proposition. Just not worth it when the same size bottle of Reset was $20.00 cheaper. Well, that bottle of GSF is now $34.95!!!


Now, the brand is accessible! When I was at Waxit last year, this subject came up many times. I was the only hobbyist in the group, the rest were professionals using products to help them make money. All present said they just couldn't justify paying the price premium to use KCx products, even if they were class leaders. Hopefully, this announcement will benefit all users.
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Old 11-02-2025, 08:55 PM   #3477
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Ok, so I love a good spreadsheet! I run my garden business from one, I also have a spreadsheet for machine maintenance and repair, which lists common part numbers and repair manuals. For detailing, I have a MEGA spreadsheet set up with every single product I have or have used in the past, which includes chemicals, towels, pads and tools. It also contains a data base of Postimage links to provide quick photo responses to questions. Yes, I'm a nerd.

So with that, I created the following comparison of Koch Chemie Pricing.

Please Note - I do not work for Waxit. I am also not having a go at the various retailers who were selling Koch Chemie prior to Waxit taking over distribution of the brand. Those retailers were pricing the products as directed by the importer.

From what I have come across, the previous distributor was out of their depth and was setting prices well beyond a fair markup to account for the Germany to Australia shipping costs. I think the following shows how much fat was built into these prices, especially the in demand/popular products.

I've highlighted the ones I think stand out the most in yellow. The biggest price differences are for the bulk 5- and 10-liter sizes, which is clearly to bring the brand back to the professional market.

Also, some products are new or in new sizes. These products had been left off the table for the Australian market for up to 18 months now. I'm told there are more to come as well.

They way this brand was handled in Australia was criminally bad. In its native German market, the KCx brand is aimed at professional users. However, as the brand came to notoriety outside of the European market via the Rag Company and other influential US detailers, it's become more and more in demand. But with how the previous distributor priced the products, it took the brand away from the professional user, which is counterproductive.

The pro-sumer market tolerated the price premiums to an extent, but quite often various products would be out of stock for months instead of being replenished in a timely manner. So even if you could justify the price, you couldn't always get them when wanted or needed.

I do hope this move by Waxit allows both the pro and hobbyist market to be served properly going forward.
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Old 12-02-2025, 09:31 PM   #3478
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

In light of yesterdays news, let's have a closer look at a few key Koch Chemie products that I think are worth having, starting with GSF.

GSF Backstory -

When Gentle Snow Foam GSF hit the market four or five years ago, it and Koch Chemie quickly became the new "it" brand. Back then, it was certainly a premium priced product, retailing for $39.95 for a 1-litre bottle. Many said that was too much, even though Carpro Reset was exactly the same price. I actually screenshotted this image back in late-2021.

That screen shot was taken because The Detail Store were paying for Facebook advertising on a product that was out of stock, and would be for another 6+ months. And so, this is where things started to go wrong with Koch Chemie in Australia.

Despite the products being in high demand, the local importer was struggling to keep up with demand. Now, there were outside factors at play here, a little thing called the Covid-19 pandemic, and the associated shipping and supply chain constraints certainly played a role. But even as the Covid situation eased, the Koch Chemie lineup was still under nourished. At one point, they even air freighted stock into the country.................. with the cost passed on to the consumer. This took a $40 bottle of soap up to $75!

Then at some point in the last two years, the distribution changed hands and the situation only got worse. Where GSF was once $39.95 per 1-litre bottle, in 2024 that same bottle was priced at $53.95. The same markup played out across the range, most notable with the larger 5- and 10-litre bottle sizes. And even if you could get past the price, more often than not various products were out of stock and would be for months. In this age of "I want it now", this just isn't good enough.

I mention all this because despite being a brilliant product, a soap that I had within my top 3 recommendations, the price was so ridiculous that I stopped recommending it. In fact, for a while I stopped buying GSF. For someone who values the user experience so much, even I couldn't justify it at those prices, not when Carpro Reset is just as, if not better than GSF.

Now that Waxit are buying directly from Germany, the price of GSF has settled back down to $34.95, and suddenly, GSF is back in the game for me.


Why GSF?

I first used GSF on Christmas day 2020, it's divine cherry scent immediately impressed. Likewise, it's easy pour formula and terrific foaming ability. A few images from back then...................

From one of my posts at the end of December 2020 -

"The dilution rate from Koch Chemie asks for 20ml of product added to a 1lt foam lance bottle. At this rate, and with the hydrophobic coatings on my cars, the foam was too runny and had trouble clinging to the paint.

Today I added approximately 80ml to my foam cannon, the result being thick, shaving cream like foam."

From then on, I settled on between 100 - 150ml of GSF in a foam cannon. At that rate, you will get thick, luxurious foam with decent cling and exceptional slickness. You will also get high on that lovely cherry scent as it spices the air while you work your way around the car. This is a product that nails the user experience!

The only main drawback to GSF is the lack of ultimate cleaning ability, meaning its best used on well-maintained vehicles that have a nice layer of protection on the paint, be that a coating, wax or sealant. But then, that's the whole point of GSF, its pH neutral formula is designed to be gentle and ultra lubricated. Compared to say Carpro Reset or NV Snow, if your vehicle is waxed, GSF is going to preserve that wax for longer.

How To Use -

1. Start by filling up your foam cannon with about 850 to 900ml of tap water.

2. Add 100 - 150ml of GSF to your foam cannon. I always fill with water first to avoid the soap frothing up and overflowing the bottle when trying to do it the other way around.

3. Fill you wash bucket with water. Throw in your wash media, then add a generous slug of GSF directly onto the wash media.

4a. For light maintenance cleaning, rinse the car down thoroughly, then foam GSF by using slow, sweeping motions. Aim to use most of the foam cannon volume.

4b. For heavier cleaning, I'd suggest foaming the car from dry using a stronger soap first. Think Carpro Lift, Bilt Hamber Touch-less or Koch Chemie Active Foam. After allowing to soak, rinse thoroughly. From here, you can then foam with GSF.

5. Empty any remaining soap from the foam cannon into your wash bucket. Soap that has remained mixed up in a foam cannon for more than a day won't foam as well next time, this is because the minerals in the water attack the soap chemistry.

6. Go ahead and wash the vehicle. Work from top to bottom, rinsing your wash media in the bucket as you go. Avoid circular motions, instead work in straight lines.

7. Rinse thoroughly and dry.

Final Thoughts -

I feel like GSF is back in the game. As I said, I've always loved using this soap, but became quite jaded by the excessive price premium that was being asked. It's now priced to the point where I would say GSF is a bargain for the user experience it delivers. In fact, its now cheaper than Reset, while also offering more soap for the money when compared to various American brand competitors in 473ml bottles.
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Old 13-02-2025, 05:02 PM   #3479
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Very fast turnaround from Waxit on this order!

I’ve been working through a backlog of products in recent months, mainly soaps that were bought purely to write about, but also because I’ve been occupied elsewhere. I’d also say that not much has caught my eye either. The recently launched Labocosmetica and MAFRA's Maniac Line don’t really grab me for some reason. And frankly, with how good the ADS stuff is, it's been a case of why keep looking for the next big thing?

But then Waxit threw a curve ball with Koch Chemie and suddenly I was excited again. Why, well because many of the products I ordered are new to Australia or new to me. Of those pictured above, only GSF and AS I have used before. The below is my current KCx collection, although Fresh Up and Speed Glass are absent.


I really love the KCx branding and bottle design system, it's clean, clear and simple. Naturally, this doesn't determine how the products work, but it certainly looks appealing and stands out from the crowd. It's a complete contrast to the busy, overdone labels of P&S and Meguiar's.

The KCx brush sets are also new for Australia, in my case I went with the exterior set. I really like the thought put into these, the head and handle can be configured with or without the angle piece. They also have a rubberized handles.


There are four different bristle grades -

Red: Stiff nylon, probably best left to heavily neglected wheels.

Orange: Boars hair, ideal for wheels and unpainted plastics. I'd also consider it for interior cleaning as well.

Yellow: Medium stiffness synthetic bristles, ideal for plastics and rubber.

Green: Soft synthetic bristles, use on sensitive surfaces, think chrome or piano black or gloss black wheels. This one would be fine for interior work as well.

And finally, after reading so much positive feedback, I've decided to give the Carpro Dab Dab wash pad a try.


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Old 13-02-2025, 05:42 PM   #3480
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Keen to hear about the dab dab. My bowdens shagtastic wash pad is getting a bit second hand looking.

I believe there is a wash media thread in the car care forum that I'll also browse.
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