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Old 13-02-2025, 06:13 PM   #3481
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
Keen to hear about the dab dab. My bowdens shagtastic wash pad is getting a bit second hand looking.

I believe there is a wash media thread in the car care forum that I'll also browse.
I've mostly used TRC Cyclone and Cyclone Ultra wash media for the last 5 - 6 years. The standard size is more manageable, but I do like the 10X versions for larger vehicles.


I also have a couple from Microfiber Madness, the DeliPad and IncrediPad. To be honest, they are little over priced.


Wash media thread here -
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Old 13-02-2025, 07:39 PM   #3482
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

I love the DabDab, holds the suds really well.
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Old 13-02-2025, 08:25 PM   #3483
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Koch Chemie GS Green Star and Koch Chemie PO Pol Star

I’ve decided to highlight these as a pair. I suspect many don’t know where or when to use these two similar looking products.

PO Pol Star-


Pol Star is a dedicated textile cleaner which was primarily designed for fabric, carpet and leather. It can also be used on Alcantara and suede materials. Overall, I’ve found Pol Star to be an excellent general interior cleaner as well, meaning it could be a one-stop-shop interior solution.

What I like about Pol Star is the pH neutral formula, so it’s safe to use across multiple interior surfaces compared to an alkaline all-purpose cleaner. It’s also highly dilutable, meaning that 1-litre bottle will last you for years! Koch Chemie recommend dilutions between 5:1 for heavy cleaning, right out to 20:1 for light duties. I tend to have it mixed pretty strong at 6:1.

I originally bought this for its carpet and fabric cleaning abilities as I didn’t have such a product in my arsenal. I’ve since found it to be an exceptional leather cleaner, especially dealing with un-maintained vehicles that require the use of a lot of product, Pol Star’s economy makes a lot of sense in that regard. Teamed with the VLB brush or a medium leather brush, its an extremely capable leather cleaner.

Another aspect I love about Pol Star is how it will lather up under agitation when using a brush or scrub pad. This aspect helps when it comes time to wipe off the product/dirt emulsion. You can also put Pol Star in a small finger pump foamer, which can be useful when dealing with Alcantara or suede as it prevents oversaturation of the material.

Something to remember when cleaning fabrics is that the removal of the cleaning solution is as important as the cleaning solution itself. If you fail to remove this chemical/dirt emulsion, well the dirt doesn’t actually go anywhere, rather you’ve just moved it around. Usually, you follow with a clean, damp towel to lift this emulsion into the towel, but extractors, steam or a wet-dry vacuum can also be used.

GS Green Star –


Green Star is one of the many all-purpose cleaners in the KCx lineup. With a pH value of 12.5, this product is considerably stronger than the pH neutral Pol Star. While Green Star can be used for interior cleaning, I would suggest restricting it’s use to exterior surfaces due to that alkaline nature. KCx even suggest using it as a workshop floor cleaner as well.

Green star is phosphate and solvent free and will easily break down and lift away dirt, oil and other greasy substances. It also contains corrosion inhibitors, making it safe for a variety of metal materials. Like Pol Star, Green Star is highly concentrated and can be used at the following dilutions -

Minimum dilution: 3:1
Automotive exterior: 5:1 - 30:1
Automotive interior: 10:1 to 20:1
Workshop and industrial floors: 40:1 to 120:1

For me, I don’t use a lot of APC. In fact, I probably use it more to clean my cleaning tools than I do cleaning cars. Thing is, when I do use APC, I want it to pack a punch. For that reason, I have Green Star mixed at 6:1 and use it for engine bay cleaning, removal of tyre dressings from my brushes and general surface cleaning. What I love most about Green Star is how it lathers up under agitation, which is both a practical and phycological thing, to me, it just makes it look and feel like you are achieving something.

I know many use it for interior cleaning. I prefer not to use it on interiors as alkaline products like this can be too harsh on sensitive materials, and frankly, pH neutral interior cleaners do everything I need without posing that risk.

For professionals, an all-purpose-cleaner like Green Star would be a staple of their routine. Why? Because they can buy one product, then mix it up at a couple of dilution rates to serve multiple roles, thus negating the need to stock different products. This could include the following -

- Pre-treating dirty lower panels
- Tyre cleaning
- Wheel Cleaning
- Bug removal
- Interior cleaning
- Engine bay cleaning
- Wheel arch cleaning
- Added to a pH neutral soap to create a decon/strip soap
- General workshop/floor cleaning

Final Thoughts -

Hopefully that explains the difference between these two. While you can interchange these products, I think there are benefits to having both. For example, I would never clean leather with Green Star, but then I would never use Pol Star to clean tyres. Both are non-scented, meaning they are purely designed to get the job done without fuss or fanfare.
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Old 14-02-2025, 07:30 PM   #3484
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Koch Chemie GUF Gummifix

I love super-specific products like this! Gummifix was designed to provide protection and enhancement to plastic surfaces that are prone to becoming slippery. Where would this be necessary? The most obvious would be rubber all-weather floor mats and cargo trays, or even SUV/Ute side steps with a plastic or rubberised footing. When these area’s are treated with a typical rubber and plastic dressing, this can make these surfaces a slip hazard.


Gummifix is not unlike isopropanol alcohol in how it smells and acts. The beauty of the product is how it flashes away to provide a subtle enhancement without creating slickness. I will say though, if you want a more noticeable before and after, then this probably isn’t the product for you. In which case, I’ve found P&S Swift to provide more enhancement while remaining slip free. Having said that, I’ve found all rubber mats to respond differently, so use these suggestions as a guide not gospel.

How To Use -

The first thing you need to do before applying Gummifix is to thoroughly clean the surface. Sticking with the Koch Chemie theme, this would be a great use for Green Star. Personally, I much prefer to use Mckee’s Floor & Cargo Mat Cleaner. I don’t know why, but after using a variety of APC’s and even tyre cleaners, this McKee’s product is the best I’ve found for the job.

1. Remove the mats from the vehicle, shake off the debris, then rinse.

2. Apply your cleaner generously, then scrub with a firm brush. I’ve found the medium stiffness Detail Factory tyre brush to be a perfect pairing here.

3. Thoroughly rinse, then dry. You can use your blower here, but I just put the mat in the sun while I clean the rest of the vehicle, but the time you are ready to put the mats back in the car, they are usually dry by that stage.

4. Working with a clean and dry mat, apply Gummifix. You can spray it directly and work in with a towel, or add to an applicator and spread across the surface. I’ve found you need to be generous with the product to get consistent coverage, especially if you have a surface like these Maxtrac items pictured here.

5. Once applied, allow to dry. Gummifix flashes away and self levels, but you can go back with a towel to remove any high spots if you wish.

Usage Notes –

- When it comes to cleaning rubber mats, I think the combination of the McKee's with the specific bristles of the Detail Factory brush make the difference here.

- I tend to prefer spraying directly onto the mat and working in with a towel, this seems to provide superior coverage. However, you can also use a foam or microfiber applicator, or even a brush.

- Koch Chemie ship this product with a dispensing bottle insert, which would suit the brush or applicator application method. You can also remove the stopper to fit a spray head, but you need to order that separately or use one you already have.

- Speaking of spray heads, this product kills them so choose wisely. I ruined a nice Kwazar spray head, which also turned the soft rubber pickup tube rock hard. It even killed the Koch Chemie spray head. Therefore, I’d use a cheap spray head knowing you will need to replace it often, and/or empty the sprayer back into the bottle and run some water through to purge the lines.

- Know that this product has a strong IPA aroma, so I’d apply in a well-ventilated area. If you can, let the product fully dry before re-installing the mats.

- Know that the finished result is an “as new” appearance. If you are looking for something more prominent, then consider using Capro Perl at 6:1 (heavily diluted) or P&S Swift, both remaining slip-free.

- You can also use Gummifix for refreshing the appearance of your pedals.

Final Thoughts -

Gummifix is not a product everyone will need. However, if you have rubber floor mats, I think its well worth having both this and the McKee's cleaner on hand.
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Old 15-02-2025, 07:28 PM   #3485
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Koch Chemie All-round Surface Cleaner ASC

As the name suggests, ASC was designed to be used across multiple interior and exterior surfaces. Compared to the surfactant heavy cleaners such as Pol Star or Green Star, ASC is much milder and will deliver a streak-free finish.


Looking at the SDS, ASC has an alcohol formula, which helps deliver a clean and clear finish where others would leave behind a streaky residue. ASC would be similar to other interior detailers such as Carpro InnerQD, Meguiar's Quick Interior Detailer and Gyeon Interior Detailer. As such, don't expect high levels of cleaning ability, these products are for maintaining interiors. And unlike those, ASC doesn't contain anti-static or UV inhibitors.

The main drawcard though is the streak-free results. I've found ASC great on glossy trims such as piano black, glossy woodgrain, painted trim accents and even infotainment screens. ASC is ideally suited here as it will easily lift dust and fingerprints into your towel, before flashing away to a streak free finish. Koch Chemie also recommend using ASC when cleaning around switches and buttons as it will flash-dry and won't cause damage to electrical connections if you were a little heavy handed. They also say you can use it on glass and mirrors, and its safe for use on leather and Alcantara. All accompanied by that classic KCx scent.

How To Use -

ASC is a ready to use product, be that in the small 500ml bottle or the large 10-litre container. Application is a simple spray and wipe procedure, the ability to flash away means you don't have to be precise with it. Apart from that, there isn't much else to say, other than the following tips......................

- You can spray direct or into a towel. I like to load up a towel with multiple sprays, then wipe over the areas needing attention. This way you better control where it goes.

- Know the limitations of ASC. If your interior is filthy dirty, then ASC won't do a lot for you. In which case, you would be using Pol Star or similar.

- If you have needed more serious cleaning with something like Pol Star, ASC can still be beneficial in finishing off those streak-prone glossy surfaces or screens.

- ASC is a great household/office cleaner as well, in particular cleaning/dusting computer and TV screens, stainless steel and glossy benchtops ect.

Final Thoughts -

I think a lot of people get hung up on needing an interior cleaner, when in fact most only need something like ASC to maintain interiors. I shudder when I read of people wiping down their interior with APC on a weekly basis to remove a fine layer of dust. In those situations, a product like ASC is all you need.
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Old 16-02-2025, 07:07 PM   #3486
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Koch Chemie Motorplast MP

This is another one of those in-demand products from Koch Chemie that was very hard to get for a while there, and when it returned, it commanded a $30 price premium. Since then, the price softened but was still too expensive for what it was. Now though, at $25.95, Motorplast is back in the game.


What Is Motorplast?

Motorplast is what Koch Chemie call an "engine bay conserver"..................in other words, a water-based dressing for your engine bay that will deliver an as-new look. It can be used on a dry surface, however it has the ability to displace water on wet surfaces. In that regard, its perfect to use after cleaning your engine bay, more on that shortly.

Motorplast is heat resistant up to 250 degrees C, the elastic-like film able to breath with temperature fluctuations. Unlike some dressings, once dry Motorplast will prevent dust attraction and adhesion. While primarily beneficial to plastic and rubber surfaces, it will also protect metal from corrosion and other environmental factors. The product also has a distinctive scent that seems to be a crowd pleaser.

How To Use -

You can apply Motorplast on wet or dry surfaces, but its quicker and easier to apply directly after cleaning and while the engine bay is still wet. For the full process, check out the following thread -


1. Start by cleaning, or at the very least, rinse the engine bay.

2. Once clean and while still wet, spray Motorplast generously across the entire engine bay. Don't worry about getting it on painted/metal surfaces, it won't harm these areas or look greasy.

3. Optional, grab your blower or compressed air to distribute excess water and dressing. I've found this super helpful in getting dressing into the various ribbed and intricate areas without having to mess about with brushes and towels.

4. Close the bonnet, job done.

Usage Notes -

- The best part of Motorplast is how it self-levels when applied to a wet surface. This means you don't have to be super specific with its application, just spray generously and close the bonnet.

- When applying, you are aiming for generous coverage.

- You may need to return with a towel a few hours later to level off any high spots.

- Motorplast will protect and enhance rubber, vinyl and plastic surfaces including engine covers, hoses, fuse boxes, intakes, scuttle panels ect.

- The best time to clean and dress an engine bay is BEFORE washing the rest of the vehicle. You WILL get APC or soap on the surrounding outer paintwork and glass, likewise the Motorplast. You don't want either on you paint AFTER cleaning the exterior.

- I've found Motorplast to be on the glossier side, which may or may not be to your taste. I suppose it can be diluted, but compared to alternatives, the beauty of Motorplast is the RTU format.

- Suitable alternatives to Motorplast would be Capro Perl, Meguiar's Hyper Dressing and P&S Dynamic or Natural Finish. However, I've found Perl doesn't self-level as well as Motorplast or Hyper Dressing.

- Probably not an obvious one, but I also use it on my lawn mowers.....................

Final Thoughts -

When Motorplast was priced beyond $50 a few years ago, I'd say there were plenty of cheaper alternatives on the market that would do the same job for much less. However, now that its a shade over $25, Motorplast is a worthy contender. I personally prefer Hyper Dressing, mainly for its ability to provide a more subtle finished look. But if you like that richer look, Motorplast is your product.
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Old 17-02-2025, 07:16 PM   #3487
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Koch Chemie Top Star TS

Up until a few years ago, I would apply interior dressings on a regular basis. I'm not sure how I discovered it, but my favorite became 303 Protectant for its barely-there appearance. For some reason, I also found it easier to work with compared to the alternatives, it spreading easier and didn't leave streaks.

However, once I started using interior detailers instead, which also contain UV inhibitors, I fell out of the habit of applying specific interior dressings. Products like Carpro InnerQD, P&S Swift and ADS Pilot do two jobs in one, removing dust and fingerprints (cleaning) and leaving something behind (protection). So why I am I highlighting a dedicated interior dressing?

Because they still have a place. While the interior detailers contain UV protection and dressing potential, its only very mild. On the UV front, on a garage queen parked under cover for most of its life, the need for a heavier dressing isn't always needed. However, if you have a daily drive parked outdoors for most or all of its life, having something more substantial on the interior plastics is probably a good idea..............especially in summer.

And so, we arrive at Koch Chemie Top Star.


What is Top Star?

Koch Chemie Top Star is a product that can be used to dress and protect a range of interior surfaces. Plastic, vinyl and rubber surfaces will all benefit from regular applications of Top Star, think rubber seals, dashboards, door trims, center consoles, steering wheels and even artificial leather.

Koch Chemie suggest Top Star can be used as a combined cleaner and protectant, which would be fine on a lightly dusty interior, but you really should clean separately before application.

Once treated, Top Star leaves behind UV inhibitors and anti-static properties. I'd describe the finish to be a natural to satin sheen appearance, which provides a more noticeable result than 303. The scent is consistent with other KCx interior products, a subtle fresh fragrance.

How To Use -

Top Star is a very runny liquid, as such you have options when it comes to application. The product can be sprayed or via the supplied dispenser cap. For spraying, you will need to remove that dispenser cap from the neck of the bottle. Top Star can be applied using a folded towel or microfiber brick.

1. Ensure you are working with a clean, dry surface. Use something like the previously mentioned ASC or Pol Star for example.

2. Lightly shake the bottle before opening.

3. Prime your towel or applicator with Top Star by spraying or dispensing.

4. Work the product over the areas to be treated. I've found Top Star offers excellent coverage, so only small additional amounts will be needed as you work around the interior.

5. Top Star will generally evaporate and self-level, but you can help things along with a separate dry towel if you like. On glossier surfaces, you may need to wipe over these areas to remove streaks.

Application Notes -

Top Star is very forgiving to use, so there isn't much to highlight here.

- If you intend on spraying Top Star, KCx don't supply it with a spray head. You can buy these separately, either from KCx or elsewhere. The KCx ones are nothing special, just a chemical resistant Canyon. Just make sure the tube is long enough for the tall KCx bottles.


- I prefer to apply Top Star with a microfiber applicator brick as it offers more control. Foam applicators can also be used, but a short pile microfiber applicator will spread the product more evenly and help prevent streaking. I like the TRC Pearl applicators and the Carpro/Gyeon/Maxshine finger mitts.


- I also tend to use the supplied dispenser cap.

- Koch Chemie don't provide a longevity for Top Star other than "long lasting". I'd say expect 2 - 3 months, just depends how much sunlight the vehicle is subjected to.

- Treated surfaces tend to take on some slickness, so probably don't apply to the steering wheel rim, gear shifter, floor mats and pedals.

Final Thoughts -

Top Star makes most sense for daily drivers exposed to a lot of summer sunlight. 303 is still a benchmark in this field if you want a completely OE-look, while Top Star will give some additional enhancement.
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Old 17-02-2025, 10:56 PM   #3488
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

What do you recommend for the steering wheel?
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Old 18-02-2025, 05:21 PM   #3489
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Originally Posted by Trendseeker View Post
What do you recommend for the steering wheel?
Leather or plastic?

For plastic steering wheel rims, I just use an interior detailer like Carpro InnerQD, ADS Pilot, P&S Swift. The thing is, you could probably just use Top Star but KCx are showing caution as they wouldn't want a lawsuit on their hands.

For leather, I will use either ColourLock Leather Shield (for leather up to 3-years old) or Protector (for leather over 3-years).

On seats, your clothing at least provides a barrier between your skin and the leather surface. However, leather steering wheels require constant upkeep to remove skin oils and grime that become fused to the leather surface, it doesn't take long for a steering wheel to become shiny. Because of that grime and the need to regularly clean them, you will need to reapply your protectant after each clean. The protection does however give you more time between deep cleans.

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Old 18-02-2025, 07:54 PM   #3490
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Koch Chemie Fresh Up FU

I wonder if the Germans knew what they were doing when they gave this product it's abbreviated name? Anyway....................

Koch Chemie Fresh Up is a product designed to refresh the smell of vehicle interiors. It would be easy to assume that Fresh Up is simply an air freshener, and in that regard, it certainly instills a pleasant, fruity aroma. What separates Fresh Up from a basic interior scent is how it targets odors by neutralizes them instead of just covering them up.

Koch Chemie suggest Fresh Up "encapsulates odor molecules", in turn "eliminating them and making them ineffective". In other words, its a deodorant for your car. Fresh Up is said to eliminate unpleasant smells caused by pets, cigarettes or anything leaving an unusual odor behind (spilled food and beverage). In addition to car interiors, it can also be used on caravans, boats and household areas.


How To Use -

Fresh Up is intended to be used after cleaning as a final step. Sometimes despite extensive cleaning, an odor will remain because the chemicals haven't broken down certain bacteria molecules. Fresh Up in turn helps neutralize what remains.

1. Clean the interior or affected areas.

2. Fresh Up is typically sprayed directly onto affected surfaces, be that carpet, fabric or plastic surfaces. Mist Fresh Up across the area, aiming for a consistent light coverage, no need to soak things down with it.

3. Allow to dry.

Usage Notes -

- Fresh Up is ready to use and dilution is not recommended, you need full strength to do its job effectively.

- Know that sometimes an odor will remain due to a lack of product coverage. This would apply to odors coming from the HVAC system or other hard to reach areas. In those situations, you may need an ozone machine.

- Fresh Up is not supplied with a spray head, common to the white bottle Koch Chemie line. This is because the brand was/is primarily focused on the professional user who would have a stock of spray heads and/or bottles to use with these products with.

- I've found this is another product that kills spray heads. The KCx canyon sprayer will work, but I'd purge the chemical out of the spray head after each use, or be prepared to swap spray heads as needed.

- Great to have on hand if you have children or pets.

- Usually, interior odors will reside in the carpets and fabric seats. I like to reset an interior by misting Fresh Up on the carpets and floor mats after vacuuming and cleaning the interior.

- You would also use Fresh Up after removing stains caused by food or drink. Clean with Pol Star, blot dry with a towel or vacuum, then mist Fresh Up to kill any remaining odor-causing residue.

Final Thoughts -

This is not a product I use often, mainly on the occasional customer car. But if you have pets and children (the same thing really) or use your car as a mobile cafe, then Fresh Up will inevitably prove its worth.
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Old 18-02-2025, 08:32 PM   #3491
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Anyone on the Waxit email list would have seen this drop today...................




Sandro alluded to something big coming from ShineMate, and this is kinda where I suspected they would be going. Listening to it run, the new EB-212 sounds very smooth, not quite Mirka smooth but not for off.

I've been sitting on the fence regarding a 3-inch battery powered polisher for a while now. I have the EB351 3/12, but I find it too bulky for such a small pad. I also have the Rupes LHR75, which so lovely to use, but the air hose does limit its flexibility.

Looking at the options available, the Rupes HLR75 was on top of the list, but after using it at Waxit last year I found it rough as guts. The Mirka is clearly the best, but way too expensive. The Flex PXE-80 doesn't appeal for the same reasons as the EB210............they are a jack of all trades, master of none. I also got a chance to use the EB210, but I didn't like it.

So, is this EB212 the Goldilocks' of battery powered 3-inch machines..............a happy blend of size, torque and price. I think I want one!
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Old 18-02-2025, 09:01 PM   #3492
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
Keen to hear about the dab dab. My bowdens shagtastic wash pad is getting a bit second hand looking.

I believe there is a wash media thread in the car care forum that I'll also browse.
Prydey, try the Rag Company CYCLONE ULTRA WASH PADS are easily the best I have used. holds the soap, soft, right size. Nestie Detailing has them in stock, on special, if u need an excuse for a drive. So good I bought 3 to give away to my friends.

ex owner of: Mk1 Escort, Mk1 Capri, BA Falcon but Fordless at present and punished by having 3 black cars and 2 teenage daughters.
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Old 18-02-2025, 09:11 PM   #3493
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The following comparison I did for Mustang7g..........................

I've tried to show the size difference between these TRC, Microfiber Madness and Carpro wash pads. Of these, the standard Cyclone Ultra is my preferred size.

These two are the TRC Cyclone Ultra and TRC Cyclone Ultra 10X..........................

Cyclone Ultra - 15cm x 20cm
Cyclone Ultra 10X - 26cm x 26cm

These two are the Cyclone Ultra and Microfiber Madness IncrediPad.....................

Cyclone Ultra - 15cm x 20cm
Incredipad - 16cm x 21cm

This is the Cyclone Ultra and Carpro Dab Dab, the main difference is the thickness of the pad................................

Cyclone Ultra - 15cm x 20cm (5cm thickness)
Carpro Dad Dab - 15cm x 20cm (3cm thickness)

Ultra, Ultra 10X and Dab Dab............................

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Old 18-02-2025, 09:39 PM   #3494
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by stannoplan View Post
Prydey, try the Rag Company CYCLONE ULTRA WASH PADS are easily the best I have used. holds the soap, soft, right size. Nestie Detailing has them in stock, on special, if u need an excuse for a drive. So good I bought 3 to give away to my friends.

Good to know although I reckon driving to Cavan and back would be a similar cost to postage from an online store.
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Old 18-02-2025, 09:47 PM   #3495
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The Gleam Team are asking where they can upgrade their oversized pom pom mits to the latest microfiber.

You should see them go to town on a dirty vehicle with those things.

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Old 19-02-2025, 08:16 AM   #3496
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Originally Posted by prydey View Post
Good to know although I reckon driving to Cavan and back would be a similar cost to postage from an online store.
If you buy as many as DFB, then think of the savings.

He also can get/order in 4L of BrakeBuster etc which is where you can save. I normally come home with way more than I expected/needed. Seems my post has caused a rush on them ;) now out of stock. Just call him, he's a nice guy. I like to support local brick and mortar guys when I can, long trip from down south though. Chuck the kids in and go to Austral Meats for some Dickbuns on the way.
ex owner of: Mk1 Escort, Mk1 Capri, BA Falcon but Fordless at present and punished by having 3 black cars and 2 teenage daughters.

Last edited by stannoplan; 19-02-2025 at 08:28 AM.
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Old 19-02-2025, 02:45 PM   #3497
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
Looking at the options available, the Rupes HLR75 was on top of the list, but after using it at Waxit last year I found it rough as guts. The Mirka is clearly the best, but way too expensive. The Flex PXE-80 doesn't appeal for the same reasons as the EB210............they are a jack of all trades, master of none. I also got a chance to use the EB210, but I didn't like it.

So, is this EB212 the Goldilocks' of battery powered 3-inch machines..............a happy blend of size, torque and price. I think I want one!
I'll jump in here and say I love the EB210, it may not be a master but when trying to get into those intricate areas it is more than powerful enough and gets the job done. I mainly use the rotary head but I also use the DA head. I also own a corded shine mate 3" rotary and since getting the EB210 I haven't used the corded one once.

I find when using a DA in intricates areas, it will stall due to the surface areas and angles not being great. So in those areas I use the rotary. But then when i'm doing something like a spoiler where I want a 1" to 3" DA, it's perfect. It's such a versatile machine, just the batteries don't last that long, around 20 minutes at full power.

Most of the paint im correcting has many defects, and is medium to soft. I've only detailed a few cars that have hard paint and I haven't used the EB210 on them as I didn't have it at the time.

If I had the money to get one of each of the new machines, i'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Old 19-02-2025, 02:52 PM   #3498
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by fordomatic View Post
I'll jump in here and say I love the EB210, it may not be a master but when trying to get into those intricate areas it is more than powerful enough and gets the job done. I mainly use the rotary head but I also use the DA head. I also own a corded shine mate 3" rotary and since getting the EB210 I haven't used the corded one once.

I find when using a DA in intricates areas, it will stall due to the surface areas and angles not being great. So in those areas I use the rotary. But then when i'm doing something like a spoiler where I want a 1" to 3" DA, it's perfect. It's such a versatile machine, just the batteries don't last that long, around 20 minutes at full power.

Most of the paint im correcting has many defects, and is medium to soft. I've only detailed a few cars that have hard paint and I haven't used the EB210 on them as I didn't have it at the time.

If I had the money to get one of each of the new machines, i'd do it in a heartbeat.




Yeah, I was probably a little harsh there.

I'm so used to the iBrid Nano which feels very delicate to use compared to the 210. My initial use of the 210, it felt like I was lacking control as its got significantly more grunt than the Nano.
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Old 19-02-2025, 08:48 PM   #3499
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The following are two of the many solvent products Koch Chemie make. One is powerful but safe, one is powerful and should be used with care.................

Koch Chemie Teerwasche-A TEA

Removing tar and adhesive residue would have to be one the most tedious and annoying detailing tasks there is. It's also a task that poses significant risk to your paintwork, especially if its been on the car for extended periods. So, having the assistance of an effective chemical is vital.

Koch Chemie TEA is very similar to Carpro's TarX, both in how it works and how it smells. I tried looking for the TarX SDS to compares, but Capro really don't want you to do this because I simply can't find it. So, you are just going to have to take my word for it, both products have that citrus-like aroma and quickly soften tar deposits for easy removal. In addition to tar removal, TEA and TarX will assist in the removal of stubborn adhesive residue.


Price wise, a 1-litre bottle of TEA will set you back $29.95, the same size bottle of TarX will cost $44.95. I've found both about the same in terms of cleaning power, perhaps with an edge towards TarX.

How To Use -

My tar removal process takes place after cleaning the vehicle and while still wet. This is because if you need to agitate the affected areas with the tar remover, you aren't rubbing dirt into your paint, and while still wet so you can rinse off and neutralize the chemical. Having said that, the sooner you remove tar, the better, so at the very least wipe down the area before and after with a water-less/rinse-less wash.

1. Clean vehicle as usual.

2. Working small sections, spray the affected areas with TEA and allow to dwell. You will see the tar spot start to bleed, which is your clue to rinse or agitate. I've found a strong pressure washer blast will remove most tar deposits using this method, but if they remain, repeat the process and agitate with a microfiber towel.

3. After treatment, rinse the surrounding areas thoroughly to remove any remaining chemical residue.

The same process would apply to adhesive removal.

Usage Notes -

- TEA is ready to use, no dilution required.

- TEA can be sprayed direct or into a towel. You will need to purchase the spray head separately though.

- This is a solvent, so be careful when using it, and where possible avoid using in direct sunlight or on hot surfaces. Never let it dry on the treated surface.

- Keep in mind these products are a last resort, as in use the least aggressive method first (pre-soak, washing). And yes, they can affect waxes and sealants.

- For stubborn stains, I've found the TRC Jersey Bug Scrubber to help the situation.

- If removing adhesive, chose your towel wisely as you will be throwing it away when you are done.

Koch Chemie Eulex EU

This is a last resort product used for removal of extremely stubborn tar, sap and adhesive deposits. There is no getting around this, Eulex is an extreme duty sledgehammer! It also has a very high evaporation rate, meaning you need to work a little quicker and treat smaller areas. If that reads like its dangerous to use..............well, that's because it is to a certain extent. So, why use it?


The biggest drawcard of using Eulex is how quickly and easily it will dissolve contamination. There is a risk to that, but then there is also a risk of using a less capable product and having to hammer down on the paint for it to do the desired job. Eulex can be used on painted, glass and metal surfaces to remove the following -

- Adhesives
- Tree sap
- Rubber residue (good for all you tire-fryers)
- Paint overspray mist
- Ink stains
- Oil and grease
- Tar

How To Use -

While Eulex is a powerful product, it's safe when used correctly.

1. Wash the vehicle or spot clean before using Eulex.

2. Apply a small amount of Eulex to a towel or microfiber sponge, then lightly dab the affected area to help soften the deposit. Reapply and retreat as needed.

3. Once the contaminant is removed, rinse or neutralize the treated and surrounding areas after use.

Like TEA, I would be using Eulex while the car is still wet and able to be properly rinsed after use.

Usage Notes -

- Be careful with Eulex! It's a strong solvent that won't tolerate fools, so use common sense and work small areas in a well-ventilated space.

- Eulex can be sprayed, but I don't recommend it. I much prefer to apply it to a towel or applicator for more precise control. Like other KCx products, its not supplied with a sprayer, rather a dispensing cap.

- Do not use Eulex on matte wheels or finishes, you will need Eulex M for that.

- I've removed paint overspray using Eulex to great success.

- Any towel you use with Eulex is going to be destroyed, so choose wisely. TRC Rip-n-Rags excel here.

Final Thoughts -

I think there is value in having both of these. TEA will have you sorted in most situations, but Eulex can be a life saver on those really stubborn tar and adhesive deposits.
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Old 20-02-2025, 07:51 PM   #3500
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Koch Chemie Plast Star PSS

Koch Chemie Plast Star is an exterior dressing designed for unpainted plastic and rubber surfaces. Unlike a lot of water-based exterior dressings, Plast Star's ability to bond to the treated surface means it will last "months, not weeks". The protective layer left behind will then protect old and new surfaces from UV damage and fading.


Plast Star can be used to enhance and protect new plastic and rubber trim, preventing premature discoloration. It also has the ability to revive older, faded surfaces. I've found treated areas take on a darker, satin sheen. Plast Star can be used on the following areas -

- Rubber/plastic window and door trims
- Unpainted bumpers, bumper inserts and diffusers
- Unpainted side skirts
- Unpainted wing mirrors
- Door seals
- Engine bay plastics
- Wheel arch liners
- Tyres

Early on, my initial uses for PSS were on tyres and rubber window trims. I have also used it on side steps, although just be mindful that it will add some slickness to those surfaces.

How To Use -

As with any protective layer, the success or otherwise lies in the preparation before application. PSS is not different.

1. No matter the surface, start by cleaning the areas to be treated. For tyres, use a strong tyre cleaner, on trim you may want to use a strong APC and wipe down with an IPA prep spray.

2. Ensure the areas for treatment are fully dry before application.

3. Add PSS to a sponge or microfiber applicator and work it over the surface. The product will go on quite wet and runny, but as it bonds and flashes, it will turn sticky............that is your clue that it's been worked sufficiently. Sometimes, you may need to apply a second layer on faded surfaces.

4. Allow the product to dry and fully bond.

Usage Notes -

- On plastic and rubber trim, you may find using a prep spray will help evaporate any remaining moisture before application.

- For trim and plastics, PSS is best applied with a microfiber applicator. On tyres, I've found those ultra-dense cosmetic-style brushes to be the pick.


- You will find PSS a little grabby on tyres, especially as it begins flashing.

- Once bonded, PSS is dry to the touch and won't accumulate dust and dirt.

- PSS is a ready to use product and should not be diluted or used on wet surfaces like, say, 303 or Hyper Dressing.

- PSS doesn't come with a spray head, rather the signature KCx dispenser.

- Koch Chemie suggests PSS will leave a "semi-matte appearance". If used on tyres, you may find it a little glossier, tyre dependent though.

Final Thoughts -

The biggest drawcard of Plast Star is its durability compared to other trim dressings. No, it won't approach the longevity of a trim dye such as Solution Finish, or a ceramic trim coating. But it will easily outlive a water-based dressing that will disappear at the next wash. In other words, PSS is a happy middle ground, both in application ease and overall longevity.
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Old 21-02-2025, 07:38 PM   #3501
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Koch Chemie S0.02

In typical German fashion, Koch Chemie have a very structured product name and code system. In some ways, the colour coding helps group similar products together. However, the abbreviated numbers and letters probably only makes sense to the Germans as it often says nothing about what the products are used for. It certainly takes time to know your way around the Koch Chemie lineup.

I mention all this because S0.02 doesn't exactly say what this product is. The nondescript name and the fact the product previously listed $91.95 for a 500ml bottle, I'm guessing many people simply kept on scrolling. I'll admit, I never really considered S0.02 because of that price, even after someone in the industry told me how good it was. In actual fact, I only sampled it after I won a bottle in a monthly give-away.


What Is S0.02?

Despite the same suggesting its ceramic based (Si02), Koch Chemie S0.02 is actually a siloxane-based polymer spray sealant. That formulation makes it supremely slick, glossy and hydrophobic. S0.02 will also deepen painted finishes, adding depth and saturation. It's also supremely easy to apply, probably one of the easiest of its type I have come across.

It can be used across most exterior surfaces, either as a standalone or topper to an existing sealant or ceramic coating. Expect S0.02 to last up to and beyond 12-weeks/3-months depending on vehicle usage, maintenance and storage.

S0.02 can be applied to multiple surfaces, including -

- Painted surfaces
- Unpainted plastic
- Rubber trim
- Glass
- Chrome
- Wheels

How To Apply -

As I said earlier, S0.02 is supremely easy to work with. Compared to something like Bead Maker, it requires far less product and far less towel work to get a streak-free finish. I'd say S0.02 is on par with Armour Detail Supply Spray Sealant and the improved Carpro Reload 2.0 for application ease, but with more gloss and slickness.

1. Clean the vehicle prior to application. If using as a topper, you can skip step two.

2. For standalone protection, you may want to decontaminate the vehicle with an iron remover and clay treatments. Then follow with an IPA prep spray.

3. To apply, prime a towel with 3 - 4 sprays of S0.02. Working panel to panel, apply 2 - 3 sprays directly on the panel, wipe with your towel, then flip and buff to streak free. I tend to use a single towel to do this, but you can also have a second/dry towel for the final buff.

4. Avoid washing the vehicle within the first 24-hours to allow S0.02 to fully cure.

The paint on this Range Rover was absolutely hammered, full of swirls from using a car wash broom. S0.02 made is so dam glossy that it helped to disguise the true condition of the paint..........................

Usage Notes -

- Gently shake the bottle prior to application.

- S0.02 is so supremely easy to use that I have never had it streak, which is not something I can say for a lot of the spray sealants on the market.

- Koch Chemie recommend breaking up large surfaces, but I've found S0.02 to be very forgiving in this regard. Just don't apply in the sun or on hot panels.

- I've found this product to pressurize the bottle in hot weather, so close off the spray head after each use or you have it leaking.

- S0.02 is excellent on unpainted trims and bumpers, it gives these surfaces a darker, richer appearance.

- S0.02 is ready to use, no dilution required/recommended.

Final Thoughts -

S0.02 is one of those products that instantly won me over, a surprise winner that I had originally dismissed due to the price. Now that it's about half the price, and the fact a bottle will go a very long way, S0.02 is yet another KCx product worth looking at.
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Old 22-02-2025, 05:36 PM   #3502
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For this post, I'm focusing on two similar soaps offered by Koch Chemie, Ceramic Effect Shampoo (CES) and Nano Magic Shampoo (NMS). I always assumed Nano Magic was a ceramic wash-n-wax, but then they recently introduced CES, so its hard to know what the difference is between the two is. So, this post is as much for my own curiosity as it is for those reading.

Koch Chemie Nano Magic Shampoo

This product is sold in both the white bottle professional range, as well as the blue bottle consumer line. The pro version has only been sold in 5- and 10-litre drums, so for most, you will be looking at the 750ml blue bottle. (1-litre bottles of the white bottle are available overseas)


Like all of these soaps, Nano Magic is a combined shampoo and protectant, killing two birds with one stone. I can't determine what KCx are using in this soap to provide that protection, only that it leaves "a long-lasting, hydrophobic nanolayer". The best way I can describe it would be to think of Nano Magic as the polymer-based S0.02 spray sealant, while Ceramic Effect Shampoo would be like an Si02 spray sealant such as Carpro Reload.

Spec wise, Nano Magic has a pH of 5.0 and said to "preserve" existing waxes, sealants and coatings". Occasional use will in theory extend the life of those protectants, or it can be used on vehicles without protection to improve hydrophobics and gloss. I always say with these soaps to not expect miracles, if your paint is heavily neglected, the use of Nano Magic is not going to transform the car into a concours winner. But, with occasional use they can certainly boost gloss, slickness and protection.

How To Use -

Nano Magic can be used in a foam cannon or bucket, just don't expect shaving cream-like foam. I've always foamed it on, then contact washed while still on the paint.

1. Shake the bottle well before dispensing.

2. For foam cannons, add 900ml of water and 100ml of Nano Magic to the cannister. For bucket washing, add 100ml to 10-litres of water. (See notes below)

3. Foam the entire vehicle and/or commence the contact wash. If washing in the sun or on a hot day, I'd probably break the vehicle into sections.

4. Rinse thoroughly then dry.

Usage Notes -

- From experience, I've found Koch Chemie's dilution ratios very lean when it comes to soaps. For example, they recommend a 200:1 bucket or foam cannon dilution ratio, which works out at 50ml to a 10-litre bucket or 5ml to 995ml of water in a foam cannon, which is just not going to do anything. I would double that to 100ml in both cases.

- Like most products of this type, you will find Nano Magic to be a low foaming, low suds soap. The foam quality is a runny film.

- While still slick, you will notice a slight "stickiness" underneath the wash media.

- If your vehicle is ultra dirty, this probably isn't going to be your best choice. I'd at least pre-soak with something like Bilt Hamber Touch-less or Koch Chemie Active Foam first.

- While its a relatively mild shampoo, the "protection" in it means you would avoid allowing it to dry on the surface.

- Suitable for matte surfaces/paint

- KCx suggest Nano Magic will last approximately two weeks.

Koch Chemie Ceramic Effect Shampoo

This is one of Koch Chemie's latest products and has only just made its debut in Australia. The concept of CES is the same as Nano Magic, however it uses a more modern Si02 formula. With a slightly higher pH of 6.0 instead of 5.0, CES won't strip existing protection and is safe on paint, glass and plastic. It can therefore be used to maintain existing protection, or add hydrophobic properties to bare surfaces. In both cases, it will also create some nice gloss and slickness.


Note - KCx suggest CES will leave "behind a temporary SiO2 based protective layer". Take note of the word "temporary", like all of these wash-n-wax type soaps, the longevity of that boost to gloss, slickness and protection is limited. As long as you know this up front, you won't end up buying these products expecting to ceramic-coat your vehicle using a bottle of soap. Koch Chemie also suggest it provides UV protection, I'd question that to be honest.

How To Use -

This is basically the same to use as Nano Magic, although its suggested you don't use CES in a foam cannon. Not sure why, but I'm told it foams ok.

1. Shake the bottle well before dispensing.

2. Add 100ml to 10-litres of water. (See notes below)

3. Start by washing sections at a time, rinsing between sections.

4. Follow with a final rinse, then dry the vehicle.

Usage Notes -

- KCx seem insistent on not using CES in the sun or on hot surfaces, or letting it dry, more so than Nano Magic.

- KCx suggest a 200:1 dilution ratio, 50ml to 10-litres of water. Again, I double that to 100ml.

- Again, if the vehicle is very dirty, then you would use a pre-wash foam such as Bilt Hamber Touch-less or Koch Chemie Active Foam first.

- The scent is described as "berry-almond".

- I've found CES to offer a decent before and after difference when compared to others of this type. Gloss and slickness gains are quite noticeable.

Final Thoughts -

I only occasionally use this style of soap, and even then, I have to pick my mark. As a novelty though, it's fun to see and feel the difference they've made afterwards. Of the two, I'd probably favor the newer CES as it seems to offer more pronounced results.
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Old 23-02-2025, 07:35 PM   #3503
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Koch Chemie Panel Preparation Spray PPS

A few years ago, I tested a variety of IPA-based panel-prep sprays back to back. Products like Carpro Eraser and Gyeon Prep were my benchmarks, so I was interested to test some of the other options on the market, Koch Chemie PPS was included. The funny thing was, Koch Chemie PPS both won and lost that shootout.


Point blank, this is the best product here. And it would want to be for the price. The lubrication is a standout, the feel under the towel is more like one of their spray sealants, and the evaporation rate the best here. If it had the scent of Eraser or Prep, it would easily run away with this test, at least the IPA-ness of the scent is subdued.

Scent – 1/10 (None/IPA/Subdued)
Feel – 10/10
Value – 1/10
Overall – 10/10

So why didn't it come in first place? PPS was priced at $45.95 for a 500ml bottle, which was just ridicules on a product that is used heavily during the correction and protection stages. There is no way a professional is going to pay that premium when the equally good Carpro Eraser starts at $19.95 for 500ml. And even now, PPS carries a $10 premium over Eraser in the 500ml bottle, although the extra $10 in the bulk size will buy you 5 instead of 4-litres for the Carpro product.

If you hadn't guessed by now, Koch Chemie PPS is used prior, during and after polishing to remove product and chemical residue, therefore giving you better indication of paint condition and improve the bonding of your chosen protection. Like most of these products, its based on isopropanol alcohol and is bottled ready to use. Unlike Eraser, KCx don't make mention of any lubricating properties, but I found it nicely slick, unlike some in the test.


How To Use -

Use PPS before paint correction to remove any lingering chemical residue from the decon wash. Use it again after you finish polishing a section to properly inspect your outcome, then use it again prior to the application of protection.

1. Spray PPS onto the area

2. Allow the product to dwell for 30+ seconds.

3. Wipe off using a towel, swapping to a new towel as it becomes saturated.

Usage Tips -

I've come to the following points after doing this stuff myself and watching/reading what others have done or complained about...................

- These products WILL NOT completely remove protection, be that a wax or sealant, and certainly not a ceramic coating. This is a common misconception. Unless you submerge the car in the solution and soak for an extended period, or the wax/sealant is on its last legs, you are not completely stripping protection from a spray-wipe application.

- Having said that, most people don't allow these products to dwell long enough, as well as not using enough product. You want to apply these products heavily, allow to dwell for 20 - 30 seconds, then wipe. A quick mist and wipe won't do anything.

- These products have two main roles. Firstly, to remove chemical residue prior to polishing, then again after polishing..............basically a truth serum to give you a better gauge of the paint condition. Secondly, its to remove any lingering polishing oils to allow your protection to bond properly. That first role is often ignored.

- The reason why you would use a product like this over mixing your own IPA/water blend is the way they are designed to evaporate and flash in a more controlled manner. Traditional IPA/water blends flash too quickly and therefore don't break down the residue you are trying to remove. This comes back to allowing the product to dwell before wiping.

Final Thoughts -

So, is Koch Chemie PPS worth the price premium? This is a hard one for me to answer because of how much I adore using the transcendently scented Carpro Eraser. That product is the complete package, a fantastic blend price, performance and user experience. That is a hard act to follow. To me, the only thing lacking with PPS is a scent, but that might be a positive for some users. For those looking to try something new, PPS is one of the best in this category.
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Old 24-02-2025, 08:36 PM   #3504
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Koch Chemie Magic Wheel Cleaner MWC

I'm not a big wheel cleaner user, mainly because I find them unnecessary for well maintained and coated wheels. My go to for wheel cleaning is a slug of soap into my wheel bucket, then whatever shampoo I have chosen on the day and applied with my foam cannon. Every few months, I switch things up by grabbing a dedicated wheel cleaner for the occasional deep clean. This is where I would use NV Purge (for iron removal) or P&S Brake Buster (high pH).

But there are times when I'm faced with someone else's neglected vehicle, in which case I both WANT and NEED a powerful wheel cleaner. In these situations, I find attacking neglected wheels with an iron-removing type wheel cleaner, followed by an alkaline product to be more effective. The theory here being the iron remover type goes on first, is allowed to soak before being rinsed away. Quite often, this step removes the bulk of the contamination, meaning the following contact washing with the alkaline cleaner to be vastly more effective. Typically, this combination will be NV Purge, followed by Shine Supply Wise Guy. So, how would Koch Chemie fit into this procedure?

At the moment, the only dedicated wheel cleaner offered here by Koch Chemie is Magic Wheel Cleaner. They also have Alkali Wheel Cleaner, which is like their version of Wise Guy or Brake Buster, however it still hasn't arrived in Australia, hopefully its on the way soon.


Magic Wheel Cleaner is termed an "acid-free" wheel cleaner, although the published pH value is 5.5, which to me is slightly acid leaning. That doesn't mean it HAS acid in it though. This is an iron-remover type product, so it does have a very potent stench, in that regard I find NV Purge to be the least offensive. There are a couple of areas that MWC holds an advantage -

- The thicker, viscous consistency clings to the surface of the wheel. I'm not a big fan of that, I'd prefer more consistent coverage. However, it does mean you extend the working time of the product.

- Contamination is encapsulated within the cleaner and prevents it from drying on the surface as you work, again prolonging your working time.

How To Use -

Always use these products on cool surfaces, and out of direct sunlight where possible.

1. Shake the bottle well before use.

2. You can use MWC as a pre-treatment and/or with agitation. For best results, I like to apply onto a dry wheel and allow to dwell for 2 - 5 min.

2. Once you have seen sufficient red colour-change reaction, rinse the wheel. A pressure washer will be most effective here.

3. Reapply or switch to your alkaline wheel cleaner, then agitate with brushes.

4. Rinse, then dry.

Usage Notes -

- I've found this product to produce bubbles when spraying, so be mindful of wind direction and probably wear eye protection too.

- MWC is a ready to use product, no dilution required.

- Safe for alloy, steel and chrome wheels.

- If you have ultra dirty wheel barrels, I've found the wool type brushes to be more effective than the microfiber and bristle type brushes here.

- Not as pertinent for this product as some of the others of its type, but if you find its drying too quickly, you can lightly mist the surface of the wheel to continue the iron reaction.

- These iron-remover type wheel cleaners aren't very effective at cleaning tyres, so you would need to carry a separate product for that.

- Close off the spray head after use to prevent leakage.

Final Thoughts -

For me personally, Magic Wheel Cleaner is not a product I use very often, I just don't need it. But I do see why it's so popular. If you are dealing with heavy brake dust from a European or high-performance vehicle, then the added bite of MWC could be up your alley.
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Old 25-02-2025, 01:28 PM   #3505
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Purge will do me all day everyday.
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Old 25-02-2025, 02:34 PM   #3506
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
Purge will do me all day everyday.
I've stopped attempting find something better, I just keep coming back to Purge.

I tried Sonax Full Effect because apparently it was great, but not greater than Purge for significantly less money.

Carpro WheelX, what an awful user experience. It cleans well, but its revolting to use, even IronX is nicer to work with than this, I won't be restocking.

ADS Wheel Cleaner is a fantastic product, cleans well, doesn't reek too bad, but again, its not better than Purge.

The same applies when talking about alkaline wheel cleaners. I just keep coming back to Brake Buster because of its combination of attributes.

Meguiar's Non-Acid Wheel & Tire Cleaner is ok, probably cleans better, but doesn't lather up like Brake Buster. Same for Adam's Wheel & Tire.

Shine Supply Wise Guy is my go to for something stronger in alkaline cleaning, but again, doesn't lather like Brake Buster.
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Old 25-02-2025, 05:54 PM   #3507
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Koch Chemie Speed Glass and Glass Cleaner Pro

Koch Chemie have a couple of glass cleaners in their lineup. Glas Star GLA is a concentrate alcohol-based product aimed at the professional user and sold in 10-litre drums. For this post, I’m focusing on Speed Glass in the blue bottle range and Glass Cleaner Pro GC in the white bottle range. Reading the MSDS, these two products are the same, just packaged differently.


Something that caught my attention was the fact Speed Glass and GC are NOT alcohol based. Looking at the MSDS, it contains the same ingredient used in Quick & Shine, which is said to be a “smoothness additive” and gloss enhancer. This is not surprising as I’ve found Speed Glass to have a highly lubricated feel, producing a very slick and glossy surface afterwards. These two will also leave behind some very minor protection, but not to the extent ClarifyPhobic would. Having said that, I’ve had the odd occasion where Speed Glass has left some mild residue, no doubt due to the lack of IPA to flash properly.

Both Speed Glass and GC are ready to use and have that classic KCx “fresh raspberry” fragrance. They can be used on interior and exterior glass, and are tint safe. KCx also suggests these products are safe to be used on screens, buttons and glossy surfaces such as piano black.

How To Use –

Speed Glass and GC are used like any other glass cleaner.

1. Prime your towel with product.

2. Apply one to two sprays per section, wipe with your towel, flip or switch to a dry towel and wipe till streak free.

Usage Notes -

The key to success when it comes to glass is the method, so here are a few steps to consider –

- Don’t bother attempting to clean glass that has been in the sun or is warm/hot to touch. The product will flash too quickly and leave behind streaks and witness marks. Took me ages to figure that one out.

- Towel selection is crucial! You want short nap, high density towels for glass, otherwise you will be dealing with streaks and linting issues. Aim for waffle weave or pearl weave towels such as the TRC Dry Me A River or FTW. I've tried dedicated glass towels, and while they work well, I find those TRC waffle weaves to be the best (pictured below).

- For interior glass, I never spray directly like I would for exterior glass. Most automotive glass cleaners are interior safe, but I think you want to avoid dousing your interior plastics with glass cleaner. Instead, spray liberally into the towel.

- For neglected interior glass, you may need to clean twice. The first round is your mow-down, the goal is to cut back as much grime as possible. For the second round, you then swap to clean towels, the aim to remove anything left behind in the first pass and deliver a streak free finish. This method limits transferring grime from window to window, which in effect will get you a clean and clear finish. This method is why I recommend having at least 4 glass towels per vehicle.

Final Thoughts –

Personally, I think these two products are best for well-maintained glass. While I do love the slick feel and glossy look, I find the more basic the glass cleaner, the better they perform in ALL situations. That’s why I’m grabbing Stoner Invisible Glass the most often, it contains no dyes and no scents, its just a glass cleaner.
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Old 25-02-2025, 07:11 PM   #3508
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Latest waxit order...

Carpro reset
Carpro lift (I use it as my wheel wash)
Detail factory wheel brush
Koch chemie PO polstar
Carpro dilute spray bottle
Koch chemie leather brush
Nv 4 season cloth

A birthday present for my new son in law (well, not that new... Daughter got married 2 years ago).
They've just picked up a 2021 Escape Vignale so should help to look after it.

I bought an extra carpro dilute spray bottle because I'm going to steal some of the Koch chemie PO.
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Old 25-02-2025, 07:20 PM   #3509
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
Latest waxit order...

Carpro reset
Carpro lift (I use it as my wheel wash)
Detail factory wheel brush
Koch chemie PO polstar
Carpro dilute spray bottle
Koch chemie leather brush
Nv 4 season cloth

A birthday present for my new son in law (well, not that new... Daughter got married 2 years ago).
They've just picked up a 2021 Escape Vignale so should help to look after it.

I bought an extra carpro dilute spray bottle because I'm going to steal some of the Koch chemie PO.
Great excuse to go shopping!

I mix Pol Star at a pretty strong 6:1, but 10:1 would be fine as well.
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Old 25-02-2025, 08:48 PM   #3510
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
I've stopped attempting find something better, I just keep coming back to Purge.

I tried Sonax Full Effect because apparently it was great, but not greater than Purge for significantly less money.



Carpro WheelX, what an awful user experience. It cleans well, but its revolting to use, even IronX is nicer to work with than this, I won't be restocking.


ADS Wheel Cleaner is a fantastic product, cleans well, doesn't reek too bad, but again, its not better than Purge.



The same applies when talking about alkaline wheel cleaners. I just keep coming back to Brake Buster because of its combination of attributes.

Meguiar's Non-Acid Wheel & Tire Cleaner is ok, probably cleans better, but doesn't lather up like Brake Buster. Same for Adam's Wheel & Tire.



Shine Supply Wise Guy is my go to for something stronger in alkaline cleaning, but again, doesn't lather like Brake Buster.
I've come to learn as that saying goes from way back - when on a good thing stick to it........
Ticks the box's on penetration no matter how much brake dust and even badly uncleaned stained calipers when I've used on other family members cars that are not cared for very well.
Importantly doesn't damage or corrode - why even bother trying imitations imo
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