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Old 21-12-2009, 04:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by flappist
Based on what you have written I suspect that your belief that "people" like to be led is because you are probably a natural follower and that is what you like and you are "people".
I personaly don't have "beliefs", my argument was based on learning human behaviour over four years of Psychology, however, this event probably would have happened whether there were road rules or not, as the more evidence that comes out points to someone "overestimating their skills and car's ability trying to boost their ego in front of friends, as well as being ****ed", the old "my fun is more important than the rest of the world's saftey" mentality.

Quote from: http://www.news.com.au/national/poli...-1225812461165

"Police believe two men lifted the rear of the Commodore to assist in an attempted burnout.

The accused carried out a burnout down Symons Crescent, entering Crinigan Rd at between 50km/h and 80km/h, losing control of the car, police allege.

The car struck two boys standing on a footpath before going through the front fence at 94 Crinigan Rd, striking a mother and six-year-old Bangoang Tut in the front yard."
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Old 21-12-2009, 04:42 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by flappist
You are contradicting your own arguement.

If people accepted responsibility for their action we would not need all these laws.
Why do we need a speed limit if everyone drove within their own capabilities and with relavence to the conditions.
Why do we need a BAC limit if no one drove when their skill was less than that necessary.

The whole problem is people telling other how to live their lives, always has been, always will be....

We are not all the same, we are not all equal but we are all individuals.

If the penalty for drink driving was life imprisionment it still would not work.
What would actually happen is lots of high speed runners and police officers murdered at RBTs, after all what have they got to lose..
Not quite - I think we are over governed at present. I personally beleieve this driver should be charged with manslaughter in this instance (as his actions have lead to the death of another human being)

I dont agree with governments telling us how to live our lives. I do beleive certain actions can lead to consequences and people need to be aware of the consequences so thats they can make their own informed decision.

As you said we are not all the same, we are all individuals and as such we need to be held accountable for the decisions we make (as individuals)

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Old 21-12-2009, 04:52 PM   #33
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bloody commo drivers!

what i cant believe is that theres a police blitz on down here, i have seen crap loads of police around, and yet this still happens.
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Old 21-12-2009, 05:23 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by dsyfer
Quote from: http://www.news.com.au/national/poli...-1225812461165

"Police believe two men lifted the rear of the Commodore to assist in an attempted burnout.

The accused carried out a burnout down Symons Crescent, entering Crinigan Rd at between 50km/h and 80km/h, losing control of the car, police allege.

The car struck two boys standing on a footpath before going through the front fence at 94 Crinigan Rd, striking a mother and six-year-old Bangoang Tut in the front yard."
Yes that is a quote from a newspaper. Sometimes they are accurate but often are huge beat ups.
There is enough evidence just on this forum of car related events reported in the media drawing huge amounts of screaming and yelling from the keyboard warriors only to be shown to be totally inaccurate and sometimes completely fictitious a short time later.

The good thing about courts are that they go on actual evidence rather than what was in the newspaper.

From what is about I suspect that the driver will be charged.
AFTER and ONLY AFTER he is convicted will I believe the story....

Just a little bit extra I thought of....

"Police believe two men lifted the rear of the Commodore to assist in an attempted burnout."

Yeh 2 drunk guys can easily lift the rear of a 1800kg++ vehicle.....

Last edited by flappist; 21-12-2009 at 05:36 PM.
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Old 21-12-2009, 06:05 PM   #35
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What can you do?, you lay down the law yet morons like this still dont care about others and how there actions affect them!
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Old 21-12-2009, 06:32 PM   #36
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Another drink driving thread about the loss of a life, a poor innocent child this time, goes down the drain. Typical of a few people.

My condolences to the family of the 6yr old.

As for the rest, i say close the thread

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Originally Posted by F6T
If you look closely you can see the remains of a Hyundai excel that’s been sucked into the intake.
about the pic of 'CHOP YA' F6
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Old 21-12-2009, 06:35 PM   #37
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On the CH7 news it says he has now been charged.
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Old 21-12-2009, 06:36 PM   #38
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Heard about this today at work, thats the next town from where I live, about 10k's or so. Its a bit of a deadbeat sort of area too.
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Old 21-12-2009, 06:51 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by flappist

Yeh 2 drunk guys can easily lift the rear of a 1800kg++ vehicle.....
For what its worth I have seen idiots do this. They don't lift the whole thing off the ground hoist style, they bounce the rear suspension up and down and lift the wheel arches up a bit with the momentum. Makes the car slide from side to side a bit when the wheels are spinning. Does absolutely nothing for keeping control of a car though...

Can and does happen. As for it happening this time as reported, the committal hearing will tell.
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Old 21-12-2009, 10:44 PM   #40
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I am not in defence of the guy, but I reckon we have all done some pretty stupid things in our time? I would of thought that having children of his own would of been a life defining moment for him, I know as I had children I started to wise up. I never really thought about the consequences of my actions until I had little people that depended on me. I feel for both families, and hope he has deep regrets for his actions, and the family of the 6 y.o. can forgive him in due time. It will make them feel better.
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Old 22-12-2009, 04:01 PM   #41
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yeah ok, make the alco limit 00000000000 but this guy was 3 times over, so what affect would it have... nothing, just good hard working australians losing their licenses because the government doesn't have a clue (referring to making alco ZERO as apposed to current 0.05
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Old 22-12-2009, 06:57 PM   #42
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strange how the governments of each state are quick to impound,sell,crush cars from all the so called hoons,but we allow drunk drivers to keep there cars and re offend time and time again.
anybody would think that maybe cops ,pollys indulge in a bit of dui themselves every now and then,so it can,t be to bad a thing,mm.
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Old 22-12-2009, 09:08 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Bent8
Problem is when you're smashed, all common sense flies out the window.

That's just tragic, the kids family will go through the anguish of losing their child while the driver will have to come to the realisation that he murdered a 6-year old.

There are no winners when alcohol's involved.

I do not believe so. I can get smashed, we are talking a bottle of beam in a few hours, but I still have enough sense not to drive. My engagement party I was hammered and had the keys in my pocket, when it came time to leave I handed them to my mrs.

I feel sorry for the family and thankfully so far I have not had to attend a scene where this has happened. I hope I never have to.
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