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Old 01-12-2010, 05:49 PM   #31
My poor XF
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I have been to two wreckers here in Adelaide and at times haven't been purchasing just making enquiries. One had been far more approachable than the other until they realised the value of any potential purchases (dual zone conversion, seats etc) and as a consequence i haven't bought anything from them.

It's good customer service, that person wanting the $5 clips may come in one day wanting a $5k engine.
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Old 01-12-2010, 07:45 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by ZA-289

For starters the customer wont part with $30 for 3 clips he wants to pay $5-even when I explain that it will take me 20mins to get said clips. In the time i spend getting his 3 clips for $5- I could have missed half a dozen phone calls from people chasing motors or gearboxes and could have sold $10,000 worth of parts. Once again we are here to make money and we can afford to turn away the time waster and his clips. If the customer will pay the $20 minumum charge he will get his clips.
As I said, I worked in the industry. Not every phone call or customer is after a 10k engine and gearbox combo. Be realistic.
If he doesn't want to pay $30 for 3 clips, let him go genuine. I find they often come back.
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Old 01-12-2010, 07:51 PM   #33
302 XC
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Personally i think naming and shaming could maybe lead to prosecution
To say 1 person has a bad day and this results in slagging of a business,
Is not fair practice from any level

Maybe some of these"Lets name and shame them" should try running a business and really understand some of the grubs that are out there
It goes both ways,but good business sense is helping the customer out
If you are in business and run a yard either dont have staff to run the counter or dont have phone redirection to a mobile yard phone,
Well your not up with the times
To say "Im too busy to help a customer"wether a $5 purchase or a 10K purchase,you dont deserve to be in business
A $5 purchase can not only lead to repeat business,but word of mouth,(especially BAD)can cause business closure
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Old 01-12-2010, 10:12 PM   #34
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when me and dad were doing my xp ute, a few years ago now the all ford wreckers at clontarf/redcliffe were unreall very helpfull , and even now im doing the sedan if i cant find a part im looking for i'll give them a ring and if they dont have it they tell who might have it , or they will see what they can do and with in a day or two i hear back from them, and highway wreckers at bundy seem pretty good on prices and knowledge and will let ya have a wander through the yard
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:06 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by ZA-289

For starters the customer wont part with $30 for 3 clips he wants to pay $5-even when I explain that it will take me 20mins to get said clips. In the time i spend getting his 3 clips for $5- I could have missed half a dozen phone calls from people chasing motors or gearboxes and could have sold $10,000 worth of parts. Once again we are here to make money and we can afford to turn away the time waster and his clips. If the customer will pay the $20 minumum charge he will get his clips.
Or if you had half a brain you would have clips organised in containers ready at the counter
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:08 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by ZA-289

For starters the customer wont part with $30 for 3 clips he wants to pay $5-even when I explain that it will take me 20mins to get said clips. In the time i spend getting his 3 clips for $5- I could have missed half a dozen phone calls from people chasing motors or gearboxes and could have sold $10,000 worth of parts. Once again we are here to make money and we can afford to turn away the time waster and his clips. If the customer will pay the $20 minumum charge he will get his clips.
Crikies mate, thats just rediculous.
If you look after a customer and be civil,he will recomend your work place to his mates and family and will come to you first when he needs something else, THAT SIMPLE a bloke who is fixing mums corolla and needs a $5 part will also come to you for expensive stuff if you look after him or her,sounds like your workplace treats people like mungrels, NOT GOOD .and very bad way to run any business,
HERVEY BAY WRECKERS on the other side of town from me take at least $500 to $2000 a year off me for parts,and have done so for over 10 years,they try to help everyone who walks in even if its just to ask for advice,and everytime i get clips and nuts bolts,little trim pieces they usually refuse to take money off me,just smile and say see ya next time. i probably bring in another $2000 to $3000 a year for them from my referring anyone who needs car parts
Hervey Bay QLD
Great trades recently- GILMORE

Last edited by OLDFORDNUT; 01-12-2010 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 17-12-2010, 06:06 PM   #37
BA Turbo
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in S.A, EVERY wreckers ive been to have been VERY unhelpful , ungrateful just every word in the book to be honest lol

anyone got any recommendations on where to go?
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Old 17-12-2010, 06:15 PM   #38
pottery beige
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Originally Posted by BA Turbo
in S.A, EVERY wreckers ive been to have been VERY unhelpful , ungrateful just every word in the book to be honest lol

anyone got any recommendations on where to go?
U pullit... then u can only whinge about yourself......
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Old 17-12-2010, 06:21 PM   #39
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Default Worth checking with Ford

I recently was looking for a front right hand indicator for an AU XR6. A wrecker in Vic came back to me saying they had one and it would be $80 plus $10 postage, there is also one online for $82.50. I rang Ford and they said $71.80 brand new!!!! I had the same experience with my Prado Toyota were actually cheaper on the grill protector than another after market competitor saving me $40.
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Old 19-12-2010, 12:57 PM   #40
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Boss Wrecking in Tingalpa, Brisbane. They are miles away from where I live but have the best prices and the best service of anyone I have come across. If they don't have it, they can get a new aftermarket one at a fraction of the price of anywhere else, usually same day.

I haven't a bad word to say about that mob.
Originally Posted by Jeremy Clarkson
If you buy a rubbish car, what you are saying is "I have no interest in cars." If you have no interest in cars, you have no interest in driving, and if you have no interest in something, it means you're no good at it, which means you must have your driving license taken away.
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Old 19-12-2010, 01:57 PM   #41
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rule 1 never say this is my last place i'm out of options please have what i need
rule 2 guard dogs on premises have to be restrained during work hours
rule 3 find a local wrecker realizably small it may be exy when starting off but they get to know you then you get what you want and they help you

i have a wrecker i have been using since 12 and i'm half way across the country and i can ring him and get stuff cheaper couriered then driving around the corner and buy it from the big wreckers

if you cant do this really shop around and let them know it cause all wreckers hate competition and will usually undercut others

also my younger naughtier self getting parts from the wreckers after hours was just taking a b@tch on heat and sitting her near the fence then you could do what ever you wanted dogs never bothered you then
If drink driving is illegal why are there park spaces at the pub?
After they make styrofoam what do they pack it in?
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Old 19-12-2010, 02:05 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by b2tf
Most wreckers I've dealt with are thieves that sell crap parts for top dollar. I just keep looking for the stuff I need now, havent actually been to a wreckers in months.
I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who finds most wreckers rediculously expensive for the crap they are selling. And there's no Barter anymore, its a fixed price and take it or leave it.
Don't get me started on Rare Spares "I'll have a look and call you back in a minute".

I ended up buying a parts car for what all the wreckers I could find wanted for an inter cooler and hosing and a few other bits and pieces.
They say less talk more action,
I say more torque less traction!
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Old 19-12-2010, 02:08 PM   #43
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rule 1 never say this is my last place i'm out of options please have what i need
rule 2 guard dogs on premises have to be restrained during work hours
rule 3 find a local wrecker realizably small it may be exy when starting off but they get to know you then you get what you want and they help you

i have a wrecker i have been using since 12 and i'm half way across the country and i can ring him and get stuff cheaper couriered then driving around the corner and buy it from the big wreckers

if you cant do this really shop around and let them know it cause all wreckers hate competition and will usually undercut others

also my younger naughtier self getting parts from the wreckers after hours was just taking a b@tch on heat and sitting her near the fence then you could do what ever you wanted dogs never bothered you then
If drink driving is illegal why are there park spaces at the pub?
After they make styrofoam what do they pack it in?
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Old 24-12-2010, 03:49 AM   #44
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I have never had what could be called a “good” experience with wreckers. For the most part they seem to be owned and staffed by those too rude, stupid, or lazy to get a job anywhere else. Obviously there are exceptions, so apologies to any members in this trade. Most of them seem to have no concept nor interest in customer service, and so are really a poor fit for the job. For most, their business model is fundamentally flawed: They occupy huge expanses of space with very slow moving stock, and consequently must charge outrageous prices when they do get a sale. They have no desire to service a customer unless they see big wads of cash coming in, and no interest in supporting the very industry they have chosen to be part off. They may THINK that is a reasonable approach, but can you imagine going into ANY shop and being refused service unless your basket contained at least $50 worth of goods???
I could sympathise if it were only a matter of them not wanting to do an hours work to retrieve a $5 part, or not wanting to remove an integral part from a saleable unit. But most don’t want to do 5 minutes work for anything less than $50. The fact that they often have poor knowledge of what they’re selling, and outright lie about the condition of parts doesn’t help either.
Oh, and don’t believe that this experience is limited to joe public. I know two panel beaters who both regard wreckers as the lowest form of life on the planet. One positively hates repairing older models, because it means dealing with wreckers for parts. They even have a worse time of it, because once they have quoted and accepted a job, they have no choice but to continue. He simply refuses to deal with many local wreckers because they are too unreliable in the prices and descriptions.
Crazy Dazz
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Old 24-12-2010, 06:17 AM   #45
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I generally get great service from Pick & Payless in Blacktown but you can still get a guy who's having a Barry . I just let it slide unless they get personal and then I simply read their horoscope in a polite and constructive way . If that fails and they want to go on with it it's not terribly difficult when you are engaged in a battle of wits with an unarmed man . In the final analysis a phone call to Gary is the ultimate recourse . Just remember wrecking yards do not pay huge salaries and subsequently attract a certain level of employee , I swear the collective IQ in Garys place would struggle to reach double figures but most of the time they are alright guys . I seriously doubt most could spell customer service let alone grasp the concept . One of the great things about Pick and Payless is it only costs you $2 to go and look to your hearts content without even having to interact with anyone if you dont want to . Also any relatively major stuff , I will see myself if they have one first and then ask for a price before I pull it off a car and if its outrageous either negotiate the price down or just walk away . It is actually amazing just how much stuff these days is cheaper even from Ford as a genuine part than the prices wreckers want , I think they work on the premise that most people think ,gee if thats what they want for it imagine what a new one is worth ( Works for Cash Convertors ).
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Old 24-12-2010, 06:23 AM   #46
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" also my younger naughtier self getting parts from the wreckers after hours was just taking a b@tch on heat and sitting her near the fence then you could do what ever you wanted dogs never bothered you then "

It's a pity you did'nt encounter a homosexual dog that showed you what the wrong end of a mauling looked like .

And people wonder why wreckers are the way they are .

You my man are VERMIN .Nothing but a common tea leaf made even worse by the need to boast about it here as if it's just a mischevious childhood stunt .
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Old 24-12-2010, 08:10 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by GTP 044
Try FTg Auto salvage mate, one of the Forum sponsors. I have used them a few times and can vouch for them as I am sure heaps of other AFF users will do too.

Plus another FTG Auto salvage, used them for parts many times, professional service and great to talk too.
Tell Darren your a Forum member here @ AFF, they wont disappoint.

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Old 24-12-2010, 10:07 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by 388cube_edxr8
Boss Wrecking in Tingalpa, Brisbane. They are miles away from where I live but have the best prices and the best service of anyone I have come across. If they don't have it, they can get a new aftermarket one at a fraction of the price of anywhere else, usually same day.

I haven't a bad word to say about that mob.
+1 here as well for Boss. Capalaba wreckers are my local, major inventory, and always willing to assist with location of parts.
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Old 24-12-2010, 10:08 AM   #49
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Most of the time the guy who buys the clips wont come back anyway. We deal OZ wide to the trade 80% of the time. We are close to closing the front door all together. We dont need the business!

Its the same with tradies, people ***** all day long about tradies not ringing people back etc. Its probably becuause the guy has tonnes of work already and does not/need want your business. Go somewhere else!

Like I said twice before If the guy pays $30- he will get his clips. We just wont run around for $10-
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Old 25-12-2010, 03:15 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by ZA-289
Most of the time the guy who buys the clips wont come back anyway. We deal OZ wide to the trade 80% of the time. We are close to closing the front door all together. We dont need the business!
Yep, and unfortunately that sort of ****-poor attitude is what predominates.
You claim that you don’t need the business, which is the common reason for treating joe public like ****. But by your own numbers they account for 20% of your sales, which in many businesses can be the difference between profitability and closing shop.
With that sort of attitude towards 20% of your custom, you SHOULD close your front doors and stop advertising to the public, but you won’t because you can’t resist the opportunity to gouge the hapless souls who are sucked in by your advertising.
Seriously, I WISH those with your attitude would just put “Trade Only” in all their adds. It might just make it possible to distinguish those few who do give a toss.
Crazy Dazz
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Old 25-12-2010, 10:09 AM   #51
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The wreckers in west melbourne seem to really dislike doing business.

It seems when ever i go to get some parts for the XC , they end up saying to me that that part is a GT part...and then they try to price it as such. So all my gear is now coming from america new, and usualy at better prices, or at worst, the same.

For the Corolla, its cheaper to get the parts from the Net or Toyota, as an example last week, whos gonna spend 400 bucks on an stock i4 Cast exhaust manafold, when you can get bolt on extractors for 120 on ebay?

All up,i have no idea on how these wreckers stay in business.
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Old 25-12-2010, 10:19 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz
Yep, and unfortunately that sort of ****-poor attitude is what predominates.
You claim that you don’t need the business, which is the common reason for treating joe public like ****. But by your own numbers they account for 20% of your sales, which in many businesses can be the difference between profitability and closing shop.
With that sort of attitude towards 20% of your custom, you SHOULD close your front doors and stop advertising to the public, but you won’t because you can’t resist the opportunity to gouge the hapless souls who are sucked in by your advertising.
Seriously, I WISH those with your attitude would just put “Trade Only” in all their adds. It might just make it possible to distinguish those few who do give a toss.
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Old 25-12-2010, 12:06 PM   #53
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Have had both good and bad experiences over the years.

Generally have dealt with Blacktown Pick a part, and have had no major issues, and the lack of knowledge of the staff working there has helped me bag some real bargains, like genuine GT finned drums complete set for $40, mint Superfringe Radio for $5 to name a few.

Have also dealt with Dapto Pick a Part and picked up some nice bargains.

Found the wreckers that are not pick a part style the worst, some down right rude. Have had some that will refuse to show you the part prior to buying it and other that will say we don't have it before even checking, even when I can see the part I need from the counter.

Had one particular wrecker pull a part out of a rubbish skip bin that was going to the recyclers (it was a screw in temp sender or similar from memory) that he made me pull off the engine block that was in the bin, then proceeded to charge me $45 or there abouts

Generally its wreckers and tyre fitters that attract monkeys to do the work, but the thing is once you find a good one people tend to stick to it.

If they do not want to sell us the $5 clip don't expect us to come back to buy the panels/engine/gearbox/diff from you either, as we will go back to the place that provided us good customer service when we needed that small clip or worthless bracket. And word of good and bad customer service spreads fast.....
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Old 28-12-2010, 04:28 PM   #54
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just had to go to the local wreckers today awesome find a power steer kit all there in the 1 f100 they had no running gear just a rolling shell told him i want the power steer set up out of it his reply was 1200 but i take the whole truck too really i said he told me it had been sitting there for yonks and he wants it gone if your near the albury wodonga area call mjr wreckers for it i cant have another one got four in the yard and two in the drive
If drink driving is illegal why are there park spaces at the pub?
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Old 28-12-2010, 04:46 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz
Yep, and unfortunately that sort of ****-poor attitude is what predominates.
You claim that you don’t need the business, which is the common reason for treating joe public like ****. But by your own numbers they account for 20% of your sales, which in many businesses can be the difference between profitability and closing shop.
With that sort of attitude towards 20% of your custom, you SHOULD close your front doors and stop advertising to the public, but you won’t because you can’t resist the opportunity to gouge the hapless souls who are sucked in by your advertising.
Seriously, I WISH those with your attitude would just put “Trade Only” in all their adds. It might just make it possible to distinguish those few who do give a toss.
Second this - I went to a wreckers last week chasing some small parts that are only available when you cut a loom (so they were always going to be fiddly to find). Wrecker says to me (literally) "I dont have the time to chase ****y little things like that - come back when I have more time". Keep in mind that this was 1hr out of town (I was on a run for work and just dropped in) and my coworker with me was about ready to list probably a dozen items he was after that would have cost good money if he had have bought them. Since the wrecker couldnt give a stuff about service, we left and went elsewhere.

But on a good note - a very good plug for Falcon Spares in Drome Street North Albury. Always happy to help and have a chat, and had the bits I was after that the idiot mentioned above didnt have. Didnt even charge me for them - just said Merry Christmas and as a result of that I will now buy all my parts from this guy. A simple gesture and theyve got my business for good.

Now tell me that it's still not worth your while to treat customers nicely.
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Old 28-12-2010, 04:50 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by notice
just had to go to the local wreckers today awesome find a power steer kit all there in the 1 f100 they had no running gear just a rolling shell told him i want the power steer set up out of it his reply was 1200 but i take the whole truck too really i said he told me it had been sitting there for yonks and he wants it gone if your near the albury wodonga area call mjr wreckers for it i cant have another one got four in the yard and two in the drive
MJR's can have some good stuff but you seem to need to catch the guy there on a good day otherwise you've got no chance of fair and realistic pricing.
2024 F150 XLT
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