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Old 14-09-2007, 08:46 AM   #31
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The ones to blame here are the idiots who always take things to far. I have done modified exhausts in the past on cars but they have always had sensible noise levels.

Next time you see an idiot in a Hyundai with a canon muffler blame him/her.
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Old 14-09-2007, 09:43 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by ken2903
Offensive of not, its still pretty immature. Years ago, used to refer to cops as 'pigs' all the time, then i grew up.
If it makes some people feel tough to bring down a person of authority by calling them names then thats pretty sad and speaks volumes about their mentality and attitude towards authority in general.

I couldnt agree more mate,I think people who use the term think it makes sound cool/tough,it is truly pathetic.
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Old 14-09-2007, 05:11 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by T3man
Calling a policeman a "copper" was once considered offensive. It's is pretty much accepted everywhere now, even by cops who refer to themselves as cops.

Calling a copper a "pig" was considered offensive a few years ago. Now some cops treat even that term as a joke and will shrug it off unless they are having a particularly bad day and want to grab it as a reason for hammering someone. It won't be long before it is not considered offensive at all IMO.

I was down the local cop shop the other day and a person of native Australian descent was mouthing off at the cops and calling then effing white Cs etc. etc. The cops just talked back to him in normal-like conversation and didn't react at all to the "offense".
Most likely because if the Police did take action and smack him upside the head, they would be the ones in trouble. Sadly, it's this sort of dumbing down of the Police which is taking away their ability to actually Police. When I was 18, if I started mouthing off, it would be down to the cells with the phonebook for a good old fashioned whooping.

Anyhow, all that aside, the noise/emission laws for exhausts have been around for many years. If a copper, (or even a pig or an effing white C), wants to pull you up for it and make an issue then he can do that NOW. Don't need any new laws to do so.
They sure can. The day after I picked up my XR8 I was down to the exhaust shop. I asked for something that had a nice burble at idle but wasn't overstated and was hooked up with a nice cat back that sounds pretty sweet that hadn't drawn any attention whatsoever.

Once upon a time in Campbelltown, the RBT's used to hook up with the EPA and test for drinkers and excessive noise coming off the highway. That was several years ago.
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Old 14-09-2007, 05:48 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by paule11
They should ban those ricer exhausts nothing more annoying than being stuck next to some 4 cylinder sounding like a gigantic fart machine.
Absolutely! And whats even worse is the rotary brigade with milo-tin exhausts.They aren't just annoyingly loud-the sound actually resonates through your brain,as well as your house.
There is legislation being drafted in NZ which will restrict what can you do in regards to modifying factory exhaust sytems.It will be enforced during the "warrant of fitness" test every six months on a decibel level.Whether this means you can do what you want providing you don't exceed that level is another question!
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Old 14-09-2007, 05:52 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Fairlane
Actually they are illegal now.

Copper was just being a smart ar$e, there is no new laws, but according to ADR's anything that modifies the emissions of a vehicle, ie new exhaust, must be test to make sure it passes noise and emissions requirements. Its just that no one enforces it, not the inspection sites or the coppers. Noise is easy to pass, but emissions well thats a hard one, its real hard to expect any car to pass emissions testing as the original testing is done in perfect lab circumstances

Answered in the first few posts, beats me what the rest of thread is about.

Only person in Melbourne to have compliant exhausts was Herrods, correct me if I am wrong
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...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...
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Old 14-09-2007, 05:53 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by sleekism
I was chatting to a mate who was recently pulled over by the cops and told to cut the LED's on his EL as they were illegal etc. etc. etc.

Anyway apparently the cop told him that there are new laws coming in making his 2.5" system illegal and that ALL cars will have to have factory spec exhausts!!

Has anybody heard about this?? It seem a stupid law as it's going to off a lot of people and send a lot of businesses broke. Then again the Government often makes pretty stupid laws.
There are rules along these lines that already are enforceable. Any replacement part on your exhaust is supposed to work just like the factory part. If your car came out of the factory with a Db reading of 89, then any muffler you replace is supposed to achieve the same reading. This has largely been ignored over the years, but as they crack donw on hoons, this is the sort of easy stuff they can use to generate more revenue.

Just look up the EPA, ADRs and local registration rules on exhausts - you will see that nay system that makes the car louder than factory is technically in breach of at least EPA if not ADR rules.
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Old 14-09-2007, 06:02 PM   #37
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Honestly, some people on here need a head check.

Just because you don't like the sound of a 4cyl with milo tin muffler, doesn't mean import/tuner enthusiasts or anyone else for that matter won't. For the non-enthusiasts a loud V8 is often worse to hear at night or to wake up to. If they were to strongly enforce loud exhausts than they'd do it across all engines.

Most of the coppers you get pulled up by grew up with the older birds and appreciate them AND the sound they make. Don't forget it's a new generation being trained in the force and i'm sure the younger ones would love to pick on the guys with 'dinosaur technology' as much as the older coppers love to pick on the 'ricers'.
Originally Posted by irlewy86
Holden made the decision to make thier utes for pretty boys years ago. Wannabe tradesman drive them. If my son came home and told me he bought a holden ute I would struggle to come to grips with the fact he is a homosexual.
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Old 14-09-2007, 07:17 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by FORD3V
the louder a V8 is the better.
i have to disagree! when you go to a country burnout comp or some power crusies how often do you see early commodores and falcons with close to stock V8's who are running straight through large systems or straight out the pipes and its way too loud or it sounds as if it barely runs because of the differant tune required or lack of performance. from a distance (like at the drags) the dropped exhaust of a performance car sounds awesome but i hate the people who drop there systems on there 200hp v8's for **** factor...get some horsepower and efficiancy before you take away all the backpressure!
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Old 14-09-2007, 07:33 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by superpursuit83
As mentioned its law now. Why do you think the reputable exhaust/performance mobs get ADR compliance on there systems. If you buy a adr compliant system it should meet emission and noise regs. Then your ok. Unfortunately half of us have a custom system without a peice of paper to say its legal.
very good point, however . how strict are they going to be . i think the vibe is , with EURO III , AND onwards they are going to carck down . as we are all aware .
our GT's are EURO II. and i have an aftermarket ADR COMPLIENT , exhaust fitted . i cannot prove it, as all i have is a manufacturers say so.
the $$$$ question is ???? on my car both factory and the exhaust i have fitted have differant Db . ratings. beacuse the aftermarket one is only legal if fitted, after sale, the manufacturer, cannot legaly fit my exhaust to the car as standard. think of the great contradiction here !!!!
i think this is where the laws will match up down the track.

really when you think about it / if a car is designed for a performance output , to strict regulation. if the manufacturer is bound, to stick to a regulation . shouldnt the regulation be the same for the owner. the car will gothe same places with either exhaust.
think of it this way , if i get arrested for being naked in a restaurant/ it would be right to get arrested for going to work naked .
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Old 23-09-2007, 12:34 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by ken2903
Offensive of not, its still pretty immature. Years ago, used to refer to cops as 'pigs' all the time, then i grew up.
If it makes some people feel tough to bring down a person of authority by calling them names then thats pretty sad and speaks volumes about their mentality and attitude towards authority in general.

Guess I was more Mature most of my Life then as I never call Police Pigs, many of my Mates did & I hated it way back then at approx 16 Years of age.
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Old 23-09-2007, 01:01 PM   #41
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i'm pretty sure 95% of the time cops wont hassle you over a loud exhaust unless you drive like a d! ck head
if you cant find them, grind them...

those who follow the crowd usually never get further than the crowd.
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Old 23-09-2007, 02:39 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by ken2903
Offensive of not, its still pretty immature. Years ago, used to refer to cops as 'pigs' all the time, then i grew up.
If it makes some people feel tough to bring down a person of authority by calling them names then thats pretty sad and speaks volumes about their mentality and attitude towards authority in general.

jeez your getting a bit sensitive aren't ya. Political correctness is out of control. Even the muppets called em pigs in one of their movies. I don't call them pigs, but I couldn't care less what anyone else calls them. :

Soon you won't even be able to call a pom a pom, without some do gooder whining like a woman in your ear. :togo:
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