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Old 13-12-2009, 12:44 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by phillyc
Anyone on here been saddled with (or have in their pool fleet) a 3.0L SIDI? If so, drive it hard! Make a poor engine look even worse!
That's just mean .
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Old 13-12-2009, 02:36 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Deco28
Oh do we?

Sorry I missed that =/..

Though now that I think of it, I remember that as being a rumour. But if you say so.

Isn't DSG expensive to replace or something? Not trying to find fault wherever I can, I'm just wondering.

On the price premium, 2k is my opinion. Not too much to turn some people off, enough to cover costs.
I don't think ford itself knows quite how the rollout of the ecoboost will be set up model wise. It could be a no cost option in high spec cars (a low fuel burn option??), it could be standard in base cars only (not likely) or have one or more dedicated 'econetic' models. Either way the price premium would not be anywhere near $4k.

I'd be shocked if it were more than $2k and that woudl only be on lower spec models (taht get 5sp auto now...although they might get 6sp corporate box by then....). High spec cars have an expensive zf 6sp auto in there already, and i highly doubt with the strong aussie dollar that it would cost ford anymore to buy in an ecoboost 4pot then build their won I6....certainlny not that much more. Perhaps a dedicated econetic model that has had other fuel burn saving effort put in (low rolling resistance tyres, special suspension/tuning etc.) might have a larger premium but hardly likely. I think i've read somewhere that ford itself has said in the states that to build an ecoboost 4pot is no more expensive than a conventional larger capacity V6 (e.g. the 3.0 SIDI)
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Old 13-12-2009, 04:26 PM   #123
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So maybe they might sell for about 700 dollars more?
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Old 13-12-2009, 05:04 PM   #124
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e-gas is a $1400 premium. this is offset by the govt rebate though. there is no rebate for the ecoboost so will Ford take this into consideration with the pricing.

also, by the time ecoboost comes around, the e-gas will be liquid injection. this could see the I6 e-gas being a more powerful and cheaper to run option than ecoboost.

depending on how the LI egas turns out, i'm not sure how viable it will be having 3 engines in the lineup, all potentially stealing sales off each other.

getting a bit off topic though.
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Old 26-12-2009, 09:34 PM   #125
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Just adding a bit more fuel to the fire, Wheels did acceleration tests of a 3 litre Omega and found that it was 0.5 seconds slower to 100 and down the quarter than the old 3.6, and it was also 0.3 seconds slower from 80 to 120. Makes a mockery of Holdens claims the new 3 litre beats the performance of the old motor, just more blatant BS from the smoke and mirror factory.
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Old 26-12-2009, 09:47 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Bossxr8
Just adding a bit more fuel to the fire, Wheels did acceleration tests of a 3 litre Omega and found that it was 0.5 seconds slower to 100 and down the quarter than the old 3.6, and it was also 0.3 seconds slower from 80 to 120. Makes a mockery of Holdens claims the new 3 litre beats the performance of the old motor, just more blatant BS from the smoke and mirror factory.
I don't understand why nothings been done about it?

It's surely illegal? Lying about statistics? People buy those vehicles based on these statistics.
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Old 26-12-2009, 10:04 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by ILLaViTaR
I don't understand why nothings been done about it?

It's surely illegal? Lying about statistics? People buy those vehicles based on these statistics.
Do they???

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Old 26-12-2009, 10:30 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Bossxr8
Just adding a bit more fuel to the fire, Wheels did acceleration tests of a 3 litre Omega and found that it was 0.5 seconds slower to 100 and down the quarter than the old 3.6, and it was also 0.3 seconds slower from 80 to 120. Makes a mockery of Holdens claims the new 3 litre beats the performance of the old motor, just more blatant BS from the smoke and mirror factory.
You've got to be kidding mate.

Show me this heels test.

EVERYWHERE I've seen, the 3.0SIDI is quicker then the old 3.6l 175kw motor, its equivalent.

You're probably comparing to the old SV6 High Output 3.6l doing 195kw...
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Old 26-12-2009, 10:30 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by ILLaViTaR
I don't understand why nothings been done about it?

It's surely illegal? Lying about statistics? People buy those vehicles based on these statistics.
They've never lied about these engines. Simple as that.
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Old 26-12-2009, 10:31 PM   #130
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Nope. New 3 litre Omega Vs the 3.6 Omega it replaced. Last months Wheels, long term drive car reviews.
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Old 27-12-2009, 03:16 AM   #131
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From reading some of the threads about the bollion dollar baby of late it sounds like the tables are turning at last!! Ford Falcon seem to have ticked all the boxes with the statts to back them up. Plus the public and press seem to be backing Ford more lately too with awards and so on.
Ford are creating better cars, more fuel efficient cars and have come on top in regards to their come back to the financial crisis.
Keep up the good work Ford. - it reminds me of a tale I remember hearing as a kid that the British forces had many chances to assasinate Hitler but they didnt they just sat back and watched him make stupid mistakes.
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Old 27-12-2009, 06:35 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by 4Vman
Do they???

didn't you know that? whenever i'm looking to buy a car i check all the reviews to see which one is quicker in a straight line to the nearest .001 of a second. thats all that matters isn't it??
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Old 27-12-2009, 10:33 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by prydey
didn't you know that? whenever i'm looking to buy a car i check all the reviews to see which one is quicker in a straight line to the nearest .001 of a second. thats all that matters isn't it??
Only if you're 16....

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Old 27-12-2009, 10:59 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by 4Vman
Only if you're 16....

seems we have a lot of 16yr olds on the forum then eh
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Old 27-12-2009, 11:02 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by prydey
seems we have a lot of 16yr olds on the forum then eh
Thanks captain obvious..!!

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Old 28-12-2009, 12:43 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by Bossxr8
Just adding a bit more fuel to the fire, Wheels did acceleration tests of a 3 litre Omega and found that it was 0.5 seconds slower to 100 and down the quarter than the old 3.6, and it was also 0.3 seconds slower from 80 to 120. Makes a mockery of Holdens claims the new 3 litre beats the performance of the old motor, just more blatant BS from the smoke and mirror factory.
yes because people buying the 3.0L over the 3.6L will be using it for the 1/4!!

Makes more power from a less displacment, the gearbox is much better, the old omega 4spd was a slug, new auto keeps it right in the torquey area.

Still though if thats the case, Holden need a slapping, claiming the 3.0SIDI is faster then the old 3.6 180kw motor is a blatant lie!! Can't expect much else from Holden though lol
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Old 28-12-2009, 03:28 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by kezzer
yes because people buying the 3.0L over the 3.6L will be using it for the 1/4!!

Makes more power from a less displacment, the gearbox is much better, the old omega 4spd was a slug, new auto keeps it right in the torquey area.

Still though if thats the case, Holden need a slapping, claiming the 3.0SIDI is faster then the old 3.6 180kw motor is a blatant lie!! Can't expect much else from Holden though lol
Yes the better gearbox is a great help kezzer....and i don't think anyone is saying the overall package of the 3.0 is worse than the 3.6 base spec (or maybe some are??). BUT, while i highly doubt anyone in the market for the 3.0 (which lets face it is mostly fleet drivers anyway who dont' have a choice) is looking at 1/4 mile times too closely, this, along with several other, measurements is a good rough method of assessing a car's performance.

Moreover, the 'lie' holden has told (and GM engineers themselves admitted it would have 'broadly similar' performance) is not the major factor for me. The 'elephant in the room' is that the performance of the previous base engine package (regardless of the auto) wasn't very good. In fact it was very poor. It was already the slowest aussie built large car model (slower then EGAS falcons...) and was slower then alot of the imported stuff. When you consider the grunt of the aussie large car is a strong selling point, and most of the market, (even those that dont' buy them) view this as an important part of the class, its pretty poor that holden would hobble the car in this fashion. The ho hum real world fuel efficiency just pours salt in the wound.....
Dynamic White 1995 EF XR6 Auto

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Old 28-12-2009, 08:57 AM   #138
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This thread has run out of steam, looking at the last page the contributions with 2, 3 or 4 words only appear that some are trolling to build there post count, these post's add nothing to the quality of a thread, regardless of a users age.


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