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Old 24-12-2010, 11:20 PM   #121
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by XR
Quite simple, next time you have to go down the street to get something, count how many VEs you see than compare the numbers to how many FGs you see. You can even do that same for the VY/VZ and BA/BFs and come back and quote this message with your results.

Hell you can even do the same for HSVs and FPVs.

Look past a badge, it's pathetic.

There are alot of VE's out there. But its not necessarily due to its popularity. Its more due to its length of service. Now nearly 4 and half years since the start of production. No other commodore has gone for more than 3 years.

From the start in 1978 (start of VB) to 2006 (end of VZ) they had 13 V variants in 28 years. An average model life of 2 years and 2 months.
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Old 25-12-2010, 01:43 PM   #122
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They are still hell bent on the "Half sucked jube lolly look" arent they?!
With all the mechanical engineering and body design work the I.T. department gets all the glory with their touch screens, Blue tooth & Ipod stuff which will be dated in years to come
"Clowns may be funny in the circus, but they are killers on the highway".
"I didn't get much sleep last night I had a Brazillan woman banging on my door ALL night! - I finally got up to let her out"

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Old 25-12-2010, 02:05 PM   #123
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
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Originally Posted by bobthebilda
There are alot of VE's out there. But its not necessarily due to its popularity. Its more due to its length of service. Now nearly 4 and half years since the start of production. No other commodore has gone for more than 3 years.

From the start in 1978 (start of VB) to 2006 (end of VZ) they had 13 V variants in 28 years. An average model life of 2 years and 2 months.
I don't understand WHY they're continuing with the same model instead of trying to get a new model now that the VE is so dated. Come on Holden, move with the times!
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Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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Old 25-12-2010, 03:27 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by bobthebilda
There are alot of VE's out there. But its not necessarily due to its popularity. Its more due to its length of service. Now nearly 4 and half years since the start of production. No other commodore has gone for more than 3 years.
thats the exact reason one of the guys at work just bought a ve omega.

caryard tarted it up with some chrome 20s, and gt'ish stripes, and as he says most cant tell the difference between it and a brand spankers one.

so for less than 15k he got himself a car that for all intents and purposes looks brand new.

the ve, for when you cant afford to keep up with the jones'...
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Happy mcgadget meal orphan mcboofhead
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Old 25-12-2010, 05:23 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Riksta
I don't understand WHY they're continuing with the same model instead of trying to get a new model now that the VE is so dated. Come on Holden, move with the times!
It'd be uneconomical for Holden to heavily update the VE or release an all new model. The company (and it's parent) have been running at a loss for the last 3,4,5 years and they're stretching their '1 billion' dollar investment as far as possible. Since VT1-VZ2 the Commy got updates every 12 months including a myriad of different bonnets, guards, and head & tail lights. Those days are long gone unfortunately.
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Old 25-12-2010, 09:53 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by LeadFoot81
It'd be uneconomical for Holden to heavily update the VE or release an all new model. The company (and it's parent) have been running at a loss for the last 3,4,5 years and they're stretching their '1 billion' dollar investment as far as possible. Since VT1-VZ2 the Commy got updates every 12 months including a myriad of different bonnets, guards, and head & tail lights. Those days are long gone unfortunately.

Too true. When the planning for the VE was in its infancy, they were doing three shifts, and pumping out nearly 200,000 commodores a year. By the time the VE started, they were down to 2 shifts and 130,000 cars a year. These days they a lucky to be selling 60,000 commodores or its variants a year. And not to mention that you can pick up an SV6 driveaway for $36990 these days, where as pre VE planning the same car, equivalent (even in 2003 dollars), would have been going for more.

They just wouldnt be able to put a business case together to justify any major changes to the commodore. They will be stuck with minor add ons and changes. I think Reuss even indicated as such, when VE series 2 was mentioned, that people loved the car as is, thus no need to change (ie we havent got the money for any major changes).

Like nstg8a mentions, why go and spend mid 30's on a new commodore, when you can go to a government auction, pick up one for 40% of the price, and give it a good shine. Your 3 years old commodore will still basically be the current model commodore for the next 3 or 4 years.
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