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Old 26-11-2017, 12:25 AM   #31
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Default Re: Wheeler Dealers - Series 14

Edd's hit the ground running.

Last edited by CoupeKing; 26-11-2017 at 12:44 AM.
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Old 26-11-2017, 04:20 AM   #32
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Default Re: Wheeler Dealers - Series 14

That was pretty good vid by Ed.

I would tweak him on one area. When driving the piston back into the well/cylinder, open the bleeder valve. This will reduce driving dirty fluid up into the anti lock unit. Many mechanics fail to do this which can lead to degraded performance and or premature failure of the anti lock capability.
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Old 26-11-2017, 07:53 AM   #33
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Default Re: Wheeler Dealers - Series 14

I liked Edd a lot but Ant is excellent. Mike Brewer tests me though sometimes ,especially since the Trading Up episode set in Australia when he had a dig at an AU Falcon station wagon. Perish the thought Mr Brewer.
I watch all the car shows on Foxtel and I like pretty much all of them with the possible exception of that drag racing one Street Outlaws. Not a huge fan of that. Anyone like Fantom Works or the Canadian one that's similar (name escapes me as I write) ?
Ant will be okay for WD I think .
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:28 PM   #34
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Default Re: Wheeler Dealers - Series 14

Been watching it since the first car: Porsche 924, back in about 2006.

The last of the series with Edd was certainly being dumbed down. I remember one clip of Mike walking out of the workshop to buy parts, and they show him scratching his ar$e - the height of good taste.

Mike did have a go about the AU in Trading Up, which was probably the first Australian car he had ever driven. At least he did concede in the end that it was roomy and drove well.

The new series is all right. I have only seen the SAAB 99 episode, in which Ant brought in a new clutch and replaced it on the spot, so the card could be driven out of the sellers. Prior to that all non-drivers were trailered.

It reminded me of an excellent video I saw on You Tube of some VW fans in Sweden or somewhere in Europe. They set out to rescue an abandoned for over 30 years VW van, which was in an inaccessible spot at the top of a mountain forest. They hiked to the van carrying an engine, and enough tools to free up the stuck brakes, and drove the van down the mountain to the nearest track they could get a trailer to. Seemed like a lot of work, but those old VW vans are going for incredible prices now.
2014 FG MKII EcoLpi cab chassis - bullbar - racks for 6 mtr long loads

Tilt Bullbar before raising cab

2004 BA Mk1 XR8 - SS inductions big mouth Vortex intake. Dual exhaust.
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