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Old 18-11-2009, 02:50 PM   #1
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Default Those weird taxi drivers...

Would you like to share your bad experiences with taxi drivers?

I rarely catch taxis, so this left an impression on me. It's probably normal and certainly matches the reputation, but when coming home from the airport recently my driver stayed in the right lane on the Tulla Fwy at 80 km/h, being overtaken by everyone else.

Later driving on a long 60 km/h main road he then maintained 80 km/h almost the whole way. Seems to be "one speed for all occasions".

The car itself, a BA Falcon, had major diff whine. It sounded like a 1940s Jeep inside and it stank of petrol fumes. The gear shifts from reverse to drive were horrendous. The brake rotors were severely warped, adding to the wheels' already bad wobbles whenever he braked.

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Old 18-11-2009, 02:54 PM   #2
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No i would not like to share bad taxi driver stories
as i believe this only enflames the already bad hatred that taxi drivers receive from the general public
everyone, at some really crucial point in life, relies on a taxi, for whatever reason. cabbies have to put up with the scum of society (and so do their cabs) so if you want silver service, get silver service. if you had a problem with a particular taxi and its driver, probably actually doing something about it would be the go, if it was so bad i'm sure you wouldn't want to subject anyone else to it so i'm sure you could have taken down the name of the dispatch company, the taxi fleet number, a receipt of the journey and the drivers authorisation number, and usually if you do this there will be some kind of recompense to you from the dispatch company if a formal complaint can be validated.

i have never driven a taxi myself but i did work for a taxi base many years ago
and let me tell you, the vast majority of cabbies are great people, and just like the rest of society you get bad apples in every bunch. i just hate it how one time someone gets cut off by a rogue cabbie so instantly they cut off all cabbies from then on. its like racism, its tarring all people with the same brush and is a major problem in society.

And i can tell you your experience, contrary to how you have already assumed, is not normal. I could tell you 1000 taxi stories where a cabbie saved the day before you could tell another 10 bad ones.

As a general consumer you just don't hear of all the times a cabbie takes a drunk home, taking a drunk driver off the road to make it safe for you and me, for the times a cabbie races someone to medical aid, to the times the poor cabbies have elderly passengers die in their car (imagine that!) and the times the cabbies are entrusted with special needs children, the blind and their dogs and other great causes, the Veterans and Diggers on ANZAC day etc.

So no i really don't want to share terrible taxi stories.
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Last edited by Mr Hardware; 18-11-2009 at 03:07 PM.
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Old 18-11-2009, 03:55 PM   #3
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You be careful up there on your soap box mr hardware. One does wonder why you even bothered to post??
As far as cabbie stories go the only ones that I don't care for are those that get their license by nefarious means,haven't got a clue where their going,have very little english you know what I mean.

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Old 18-11-2009, 03:55 PM   #4
Yellow Fire
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I like taxi drivers especially if they're weird. Every time I have one who's quite clearly a new arrival who doesn't speak the best English I think of all the lazy people I have met who rely on welfare. I salute the cabbies who work hard at a job with terrible hours and conditions to make a better life for themselves instead of taking the easy way out.
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Old 18-11-2009, 04:01 PM   #5
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Taxi drivers are awesome for a late night drunken conversation!
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Old 18-11-2009, 04:20 PM   #6
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i've taken, maybe, 10 taxi's, ever? i always have a yarn with them. The only one i could say annoyed me was a middle eastern dude who ignored me completely, even my 'hello there'.. he was far more interested in yabbering on this phone.

All the rest have been great.
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Old 18-11-2009, 04:47 PM   #7
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I have been in many taxies...never a problem.
Some are wonderfully friendly...some are surly and only want your money...not even a word.

I have nothing against them...and we certainly should not put them all in the rotten basket when we haven't even checked the rest...
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Old 18-11-2009, 05:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Polyal
Taxi drivers are awesome for a late night drunken conversation!
Totally agree, have had some great times just on the way home in Taxi's.

I've been in bad ones but the majority they are nice guys and drive well. It's the City taxis i hate. Sydney city taxi's are very bad.

I actually had one guy take a wrong turn - go up towards the anzac bridge then when i said oi you went the wrong way, stop turn off the meter and reverse back down the 1-way road through an intersection and turn around.
I think he was one of the smelly ones too but atleast he turned off the meter while he fixed his mistake lol
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Old 18-11-2009, 05:32 PM   #9
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Well, going back to about 03/04/05 I was a raging weekend alcoholic, and working in town I used to go straight to the pub after work and drink and drink before catching a cab home (as the trains had usually finished running before I'd finished drinking!).

There was one who was telling me that the Commodore cab we were in used to be a cop car, and still had the police tune & suspension in it. He then proceeded to turn left off of Anzac Highway onto South Road going half sideways at 80km/h. I think it turned out to be the quickest cab ride home I've ever had!

Then there was a guy in a Magna cab watching music videos on the pop out screen he had. He was a foreigner but I recognised the music he had cranking as I had a mate from around the same region who used to listen to the same stuff. Turns out he knew my mate, so when we pulled up he's like "so how much you want to pay?". I replied "Well the meter says $42ish so th.." where he cut me off with "No, forget meter, how much you WANT to pay?". We eventually settled on $30 (he wouldn't accept any higher although I felt kinda bad like I was ripping him off when every other cab ride home was $40-$50).

Then there was one real scary one I had one night. Totally ausse guy. Making conversation, I asked if he was into cars, to which I got "F cars, I'm into effing Harleys, that's my effing mode of transport". When we passed a black guy on the road he's like "effing n----- if they came into the bars I was at when I was in California we'd chase them out with a shotgun". Got home, where he realised he hadn't set the meter. I think I learned six new swear words on the spot. Pulled out my eftpos card to pay, to a barrage of "you haven't got any cash have ya, I dunno how to work that effing thing!". In the end (after processing my own payment on the eftpos machine as he didn't wanna have anything to do with it), I was walking up my driveway, as he drove off he yelled out something I didn't catch but it didn't sound pleasant. Not to mention he was looking at pictures of what looked to be dead bodies on his lap while driving. I seriously hope I never get that cab again!

Had one refuse me service once, because I wanted to go somewhere he didn't. "No fuel, no fuel, not enough for Hallett Cove!". This was at a rank of them lined up at a quiet time. Went to get into the second one, guy's like "uh, you need to get in the first cab" to which I said he hasn't got the fuel for Hallett Cove, he laughed and said "his loss, Hallett Cove is a decent fare, jump in!". I suspect the first one was looking for a last fare before heading home or something, and home would have been in the opposite direction from where I was going.

All in all I've had usually pretty decent experiences with them getting me home drunk at weird hours of the morning, they're not all bad, although as one of my stories above shows they can be a little strange at times.
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Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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Old 18-11-2009, 05:36 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Riksta
Then there was one real scary one I had one night. Totally ausse guy. Making conversation, I asked if he was into cars, to which I got "F cars, I'm into effing Harleys, that's my effing mode of transport". When we passed a black guy on the road he's like "effing n----- if they came into the bars I was at when I was in California we'd chase them out with a shotgun". Got home, where he realised he hadn't set the meter. I think I learned six new swear words on the spot. Pulled out my eftpos card to pay, to a barrage of "you haven't got any cash have ya, I dunno how to work that effing thing!". In the end (after processing my own payment on the eftpos machine as he didn't wanna have anything to do with it), I was walking up my driveway, as he drove off he yelled out something I didn't catch but it didn't sound pleasant. Not to mention he was looking at pictures of what looked to be dead bodies on his lap while driving. I seriously hope I never get that cab again!

W T F.
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Old 18-11-2009, 05:37 PM   #11
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If only taxi pack falcons came with indicators.
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Old 18-11-2009, 05:42 PM   #12
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Didn't happen to me but a friend who lives in St Kilda called for a taxi. He heard the toot and went out the front and jumped in the back seat. The driver started yelling at him then a head popped up from his lap. He was getting a BJ from a hooker. My mate jumped out the taxi to see another taxi parked a couple of cars back with the driver p!ssing himself laughing. Wrong cab...
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Old 18-11-2009, 05:54 PM   #13
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Another one was from Canberra about a year ago. I'm a software consultant and was in town for a gig with Microsoft basically representing our company at a conference. Whilst in town I took the opp. to do a couple of site visits and drum up more business.

Taxi driver takes me to civic swearing and carrying on because his fare didn't show up at the airport. I calmed him down which lasted all of 30 seconds then he got all upset because someone walked in front of his taxi 100 meters down the road. This guy accelerated at WOT mounting the gutter to chase the pedestrian off the road. By now I figured this guy was totally off the deep end. Obviously had issues so I decided I should carefully choose my words. Out of nowhere he starts ranting how he hates police and how he was being persecuted and starts punching the steering wheel getting all agro. I had him drop me off at a pub down the road. Didn't think telling him I was on the way to AFP HQ was a good idea.
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Old 18-11-2009, 06:02 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Polyal
Taxi drivers are awesome for a late night drunken conversation!
Yep, late at night they are always drunk and make great conversationalists.

Don't start me on taxi drivers - I drive a bus for a living and have to deal with their antics all day long.

A few weeks ago I was dropping off one of my regulars at the local RSL - the bus stop has just been moved from right out the front to about 200 m up the road. This old guy is a vet and he can barely get about so I stopped right out the front in the newly designated "no stopping" zone. He said, "don't get yourself booked for me mate". I replied, "don't worry Bob, if a copper goes for me I'll just tell him I'm doing driver training". He looked at me quizzically as if he didn't understand so I added, "going for my taxi licence next week!"
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Old 18-11-2009, 06:09 PM   #15
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OK.. and the story from the drivers side. I drive weekends now so I get all the drunks/druggos/crims all the time. The non-agressive passengers are GREAT, love having a good chat with them.. druggo's are amusing.. getting excited at the speed of the meter, drunk's are amusing.. they rave on about random stuff over and over and the sober passengers are good for a convo that makes sense! Crim's make me nervous cause they usually brag on about their pasts but it all comes with the job. The policy in my car is I'll respect you and you respect me. If you don't.. expect to be dumped in the middle of nowhere.

Also, as to the brake shudder comment.. most mass operators are too tight to fix it and will make any excuse not to. So.. if it really annoys you, report it to the appropiate taxi authority in your state. They will defect the car for it.

We also get some really warped people who shouldn't be allowed in public. Period. So next time you get an irate driver.. although it isn't your fault he could've recently had to put up with some of the real scum.
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Old 18-11-2009, 07:07 PM   #16
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I've used taxis a fair bit. On the whole, my taxi encounters have been good. I love having a good yarn and most don't seem to mind having a chat. I found that most will go above the speed limit but I don't usually mind as long as they're driving to the conditions. I usually leave them a tip which ends up being anywhere from 10-25%.

I have two policies when I get into a taxi.
1. Respect me and I'll return same.
2. You'll get a tip as long as you don't ask for one.

I remember one taxi I took from the airport. I whipped out a cabcharge and offered a $5 tip (fare was $35.60 or something so I said make it $40). He said something like:
Cabbie - Oh, you have CabCharge. I put in $50.
Me - Uhh.. no buddy. How about just 40 thanks.
Cabbie - Come on, you have CabCharge. I put 50.
Me - How about we just put whats on the meter or I'll call the police.

I don't think that was harsh of me.
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Old 18-11-2009, 07:13 PM   #17
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As a taxi owner/driver I have dozens of stories from both sides of the fence

There are people who should definitely not be driving a taxi, either because of driving ability or social ability. If you have trouble with bad drivers report them to the transport office, dont bother with the local company, they get dozens of complaints every day and throw most of them in the bin as normally it is a he said/she said scenario..

Think about your first day at work, did you know everything, I doubt it.

People complaining about ethnic drivers straight off the boat. As Yellowfire said, they want to work. The only reason they get jobs is because no Aussies want to drive taxis. That is slowly changing back now as the Aussies have lost there $100000 mining jobs and are coming back to drive taxis again.

You also have the right to take whichever taxi you wish at a rank if the first guy looks dodgy or doesn't know the way.

The taxi driver does have the right to refuse your fare as well if he thinks you are too drunk, dirty etc. It works both ways.

As for refusing to go to a destination, he probably has to knock off or take the car to a mechanic or a dozen other reasons. Think how you would feel if 2 minutes before closing I came into your shop and insisted on shopping for an hour.

There are good and bad people in ALL industries.
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Old 18-11-2009, 08:08 PM   #18
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At about 1am two nights ago I was just cruising on my way home when this ***** taxi driver coming the other direction blasts his high beams at me out of nowhere (he didn't flash, he held them down practically blinding me) for absolutely no reason at all. Irritated, I turned around, he crapped himself and pulled into a petrol station. I followed him in and walked up to his window to ask why he felt the need to blast my eyes with his high beams. Indian bloke, he mumbled something about it being late at night and that I shouldn't be driving at this hour, which I couldn't understand, then he took off. Just as well he left, I was ready to deck him. What kind of moron tells me it's too late for me to be driving, hence he has the right to blind me with his high beams.

Other than that I've had no other weird experiences with taxi drivers, apart from being cut off regularly in the city but you expect that.
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Old 18-11-2009, 08:15 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Adrenaline
apart from being cut off regularly in the city but you expect that.
most cabbies are fine.. i mean when your in the wrong lane and theres say a merc or a taxi usually itl usually be the taxi that lets ya in...
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Old 18-11-2009, 08:16 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by D3v[]
most cabbies are fine.. i mean when your in the wrong lane and theres say a merc or a taxi usually itl usually be the taxi that lets ya in...
The merc is usually travelling in the bus lane
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Old 18-11-2009, 09:05 PM   #21
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My old man was a taxi driver for over 25 years, and my father in law has and still drives taxis after 30 years.

I should get them on here teach them to type and give you some first hand story's from their times behind the wheel.

I got some great respect for whoever is driveing them, i just wonder what storys they have to tell.
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Old 18-11-2009, 09:25 PM   #22
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I love my late night taxi rides home. I only ever get a ford(if I can) then proceed to tell them how great they are and how I own one. They usually get into it and we both enjoy the ride home.

As to the first post in regards to whiney diffs? What ford BA with umpteen k's DOESNT have diff noises??
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Old 18-11-2009, 09:29 PM   #23
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When I first arrived in Melbourne a mate of mine told me...if the taxi driver isn't displaying the correct photo of themselves ...you dont have to pay.

Is this true?? A number of times I have caught cabs and the pic doesnt match the driver. What happens if you refuse to pay? You cop a beating I suspect.

I now have a brilliant taxi driver who gave me his card. I ring his number and he comes and gets me...nothing like personalised service. Cant say I am giving him too much business though...2 cabs in the last year.
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:13 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Geez Louise
When I first arrived in Melbourne a mate of mine told me...if the taxi driver isn't displaying the correct photo of themselves ...you dont have to pay.

Is this true?? A number of times I have caught cabs and the pic doesnt match the driver. What happens if you refuse to pay? You cop a beating I suspect.

I now have a brilliant taxi driver who gave me his card. I ring his number and he comes and gets me...nothing like personalised service. Cant say I am giving him too much business though...2 cabs in the last year.
That photo thing isn't true AFAIK. You can, however report him if you wish and he will be followed up by the VTD.
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:22 PM   #25
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Best taxi driver I ever had was one in Kuala Lumpur. Massive snarl on the highway, he detoured through priavte property, parks and eventually drove onto the shoulder and took the footpath on the wrong side of the road! Two cops in a car watched and did absolutely nothing... I love Malaysia.
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:31 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by 76txcoupe
Haha yeah I taught one just about every swear word I know he had no idea what they meant so that needed lessons too. Got me a half fare which was great
Good to know it's not just me responsible for all the foul mouthed cabbie's..
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:31 PM   #27
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Just recently caught a cab with a bunch of mate's late at night when some random walks up and tries to punch my mate who was in the front seat while we were stopped at lights behind another car. He missed and hit the top of the door, then the traffic started moving and my other friend in the back seat hit him a good one as we were moving past him .

The taxi driver said he wanted to go back and teach him a lesson lol.

Then near sunrise the next morning after a big night and waiting for dozens of cabs to pick up others, who turns up to give us a lift home, old mate from earlier in the night, he was a great bloke. Had a good laugh with him.
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:32 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by 76txcoupe
I only ever get a ford(if I can)
HAHA I used to be the same at one period!!! Used to let the people in the queue behind me go if there were Holdens lined up and wait for a Ford!

All this talk of Taxis is making me feel like watching Taxi Driver. Or, the old TV show Taxi. Love them both!
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Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:38 PM   #29
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I love taxi driver, stirling effort from de Nero and certainly one of my fav movies. Imagine if what happened to him happened to some random cabbie..that'd be scary.
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Old 18-11-2009, 11:40 PM   #30
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Haven't had too many bad stories myself, have regularly caught taxis home from the city in the early hours of the morning over the past 5 years or so, most of them are good blokes who are up for a chat.

One qualm I do have is there refusal to take a short fare. A mate and myself wanted to go from Albert Park to the CBD and not one of the seven cabs sitting there would take us.
Resulted in us walking in the rain which I didn't care about too much, but the fact we were willing to offer upfront payment etc and not one would take us.
T3 TE50 #146

Originally Posted by UNR8D
Id rather date a goat with syphilous then drive a maloo.
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